
Did you come to my blog looking for blog posts? Here they are, I guess. This is where I post traditional, long-form text that isn't primarily a link to someplace else, doesn't revolve around audiovisual media, and isn't published on any particular cadence. Just words about ideas and experiences.

A real-world example of a Mocktail test

A few years ago, I wrote this test double library for Ruby called Mocktail. Its README provides a choose-your-own-adventure interface as well as full API documentation, but it doesn't really offer a way to see a test at a glance—and certainly not a realistic one.

Since I just wrote my first test with Mocktail in a while, I figured I'd share it here for anyone who might have bounced off Mocktail's overly cute README or would otherwise be interested in seeing what an isolated unit test with Mocktail looks like.

The goal

Today I'm writing a class that fetches an Atom feed. It has three jobs:

  1. Respect caching and bail out if the feed hasn't been updated
  2. Parse the feed
  3. Persist the feed entries (and updated caching headers)

There is an unspoken fourth job here: coordinate these three tasks. The first class I write will be the orchestrator of these other three, which means its only job is to identify and invoke the right dependencies the right way under a given set of conditions.

The code

So we can focus on the tests, I'll spare you the test-driven development play-by-play and just show you the code that will pass the tests we're going to write:

class FetchesFeed
  def initialize
    @gets_http_url = GetsHttpUrl.new
    @parses_feed = ParsesFeed.new
    @persists_feed = PersistsFeed.new

  def fetch(feed)
    response = @gets_http_url.get(feed.url, headers: {
      "If-None-Match" => feed.etag_header,
      "If-Modified-Since" => feed.last_modified_header
    return if response.code == 304 # Unchanged

    parsed_feed = @parses_feed.parse(response.body)
      etag_header: response.headers["etag"],
      last_modified_header: response.headers["last-modified"]

As you can see, this fits a certain idiosyncratic style that I've been practicing in Ruby for a long-ass time at this point:

  • Lots of classes who hold their dependencies as instance variables, but zero "unit of work" state. Constructors only set up the object to do the work, and public methods perform that work on as many unrelated objects as needed
  • Names that put the verb before the noun. By giving the verb primacy, as the system grows and opportunities for reuse arise, this encourages me to generalize the direct object of the class via polymorphism as opposed to generalizing the core function of the class, violating the single-responsibility principle (i.e. PetsDog may evolve into PetsAnimal, whereas DogPetter is more likely to evolve into a catch-all DogManager)
  • Pretty much every class I write has a single public method whose name is the same as the class's verb
  • I write wrapper classes around third-party dependencies that establish a concrete contract so as to make them eminently replaceable. For starters, GetsHttpUrl and ParsesFeed will probably just delegate to httparty and Feedjira, but those wrappers will inevitably encapsulate customizations in the future

If you write code like this, it's really easy to write tests of the interaction without worrying about actual HTTP requests, actual XML feeds, and actual database records by using Mocktail.

The first test

Here's my first test, which assumes no caching headers are known or returned by a feed. I happen to be extending Rails' ActiveSupport::TestCase here, but that could just as well be Minitest::Test or TLDR:

require "test_helper"

class FetchesFeedTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  setup do
    @gets_http_url = Mocktail.of_next(GetsHttpUrl)
    @parses_feed = Mocktail.of_next(ParsesFeed)
    @persists_feed = Mocktail.of_next(PersistsFeed)

    @subject = FetchesFeed.new

    @feed = Feed.new(
      url: "http://example.com/feed.xml"

  def test_fetch_no_caching
    stubs {
      @gets_http_url.get(@feed.url, headers: {})
    }.with { GetsHttpUrl::Response.new(200, {}, "an body") }
    stubs { @parses_feed.parse("an body") }.with { "an parsed feed" }


    verify {
        @feed, "an parsed feed",
        etag_header: nil, last_modified_header: nil

Here's the Mocktail-specific API stuff going on above:

  • Mocktail.of_next(SomeClass) - pass a class to this and you'll get a fake instance of it AND the next time that class is instantiated with new, it will return the same fake instance. This way, the doubles we're configuring in our test are the same as the ones the subjects' instance variables are set to in its constructor
  • stubs {…}.with {…} - call the dependency exactly as you expect the subject to in the first block and, if it's called in a way that satisfies that stubbing, return the result of the second block
  • verify {…} - call a dependency exactly as you expect it to be invoked by the subject, raising an assertion failure if it doesn't happen

You'll note that this test adheres to the arrange-act-assert pattern, in which first setup is performed, then the behavior being tested is invoked, and then the assertion is made. (Sounds obvious, but most mocking libraries violate this!)

The second test

Kicking the complexity up a notch, next I added a test wherein caching headers were known but they were out of date:

def test_fetch_cache_miss
  @feed.etag_header = "an etag"
  @feed.last_modified_header = "an last modified"
  stubs {
    @gets_http_url.get(@feed.url, headers: {
      "If-None-Match" => "an etag",
      "If-Modified-Since" => "an last modified"
  }.with {
    GetsHttpUrl::Response.new(200, {
      "etag" => "newer etag",
      "last-modified" => "laster modified"
    }, "an body")
  stubs { @parses_feed.parse("an body") }.with { "an parsed feed" }


  verify { @persists_feed.persist(@feed, "an parsed feed", etag_header: "newer etag", last_modified_header: "laster modified") }

This is longer, but mostly just because there's more sludge to pass through all the tubes from the inbound argument to each dependency. You might also notice I'm just using nonsense strings here instead of something that looks like a real etag or modification date. This is intentional. Realistic test data looks meaningful, but these strings are not meaningful. Meaningless test data should look meaningless (hence the grammar mistakes). If I see an error, I'd like to know which string I'm looking at, but I want the test to make clear that I'm just using the value as a baton in a relay race: as long as it passes an equality test, "an etag" could be literally anything.

The third test

The last test is easiest, because when there's a cache hit, there won't be a feed to parse or persist, so we can just bail out. In fact, all we really assert here is that no persistence call happens:

def test_fetch_cache_hit
  @feed.etag_header = "an etag"
  @feed.last_modified_header = "an last modified"
  stubs {
    @gets_http_url.get(@feed.url, headers: {
      "If-None-Match" => "an etag",
      "If-Modified-Since" => "an last modified"
  }.with { GetsHttpUrl::Response.new(304, {}, nil) }

  assert_nil @subject.fetch(@feed)

  verify_never_called { @persists_feed.persist }

Note that verify_never_called doesn't ship with Mocktail, but is rather something I threw in my test helper this morning for my own convenience. Regardless, it does what it says on the tin.

Why make sure PersistsFeed#persist is not called, but avoid making any such assertion of ParsesFeed? Because, in general, asserting that something didn't happen is a waste of time. If you genuinely wanted to assert every single thing a system didn't do, no test would ever be complete. The only time I bother to test an invocation didn't happen is when an errant call would have the potential to waste resources or corrupt data, both of which would be risks if we persisted an empty feed on a cache hit.

The setup

To setup Mocktail in the context of Rails the way I did, once you've tossed gem "mocktail" in your Gemfile, then sprinkle this into your test/test_helper.rb file:

module ActiveSupport
  class TestCase
    include Mocktail::DSL

    teardown do

    def verify(...)
      assert true

    def verify_never_called(&blk)
      verify(times: 0, ignore_extra_args: true, ignore_arity: true, &blk)

Here's what each of those do:

  • include Mocktail::DSL simply lets you call stubs and verify without prepending Mocktail.
  • Mocktail.reset will reset any state held by Mocktail between tests, which is relevant if you fake any singletons or class methods
  • verify is overridden because Rails 7.2 started warning when tests lacked assertions, and it doesn't recognize Mocktail.verify as an assertion (even though it semantically is). Since Rails removed the configuration to disable it, we just wrap the method ourselves with a dummy assert true to clear the error
  • verify_never_called is just shorthand for this particular convoluted-looking configuration of the verify method (times asserts the exact number times something is called, ignore_extra_args will apply to any invocations with more args than specified in the verify block, and ignore_arity will suppress any argument errors raised for not matching the genuine method signature)

The best mocking library

I am biased about a lot of things, but I'm especially biased when it comes to test doubles, so I'm unusually cocksure when I say that Mocktail is the best mocking library available for Ruby. There are lots of features not covered here that you might find useful. And there are a lot of ways to write code that aren't conducive to using Mocktail (but those code styles aren't conducive to writing isolation tests at all, and therefore shouldn't be using any mocking library IMNSHO).

Anyway, have fun playing with your phony code. 🥃

Review of the Bullstrap Leather NavSafe Wallet

A few years ago, I bought a leather Apple MagSafe Wallet with its hobbled Find My integration (wherein your phone merely tracks the location at which it was last disconnected from the wallet, as opposed to tracking the wallet itself). And that was a couple years before they made the product even worse by switching to the vegan FineWoven MagSafe Wallet.

Well, this wallet I never really liked is falling apart, and so I went searching for something better. All I want is a leather wallet that has a strong magnet and can reliably fit 3 or 4 cards without eventually stretching to the point that a mild shake will cause your cards to slide out.

After hearing the hosts of ATP talk up the company Bullstrap as a great iPhone case maker that continues to have the #courage to use real cow-murdererin' leather, I figured I'd try out their Leather NavSafe Wallet in the burnt sienna color. I was extremely excited to switch to this wallet, because it promised genuine leather, real Find My integration, a really strong magnet, and a rechargeable battery. Finally, a MagSafe wallet with no compromises!

It sat in my mailbox for about a week because my dad died, and between receiving the delivery notification and returning home, I thought about how excited I was for this wallet every single time I had to pay for something. That's why I tore open the bag and set it up right in the little community mailbox parking lot, instead of waiting the 30 seconds it would take for me to drive home first.

First impressions? Well, dad always read everything I posted to this website and he hated it when I swore gratuitously, so I guess the gloves are finally off.

This motherfucking Bullstrap Leather NavSafe Wallet is a goddamn piece of shit.

To be clear, I am recommending you not purchase the Bullstrap Leather NavSafe Wallet. You probably don't want to buy their Leather Magnetic Wallet either, and—given that they're charging $79.99 for this trash—I plan on avoiding all their bullshit until one of them contacts me to explain why their wallet isn't as bad as my hyperbolic ass is making it out to be. Despite wanting a leather wallet, I believe the life of every cow has value, so it's a goddamn shame to see this one's wasted on piss-poor products like this.

Key points follow, in descending order of positivity:

  1. The Find My setup works, that much I know. I decided to return it within 30 seconds, so I can't attest to its actually-finding-it functionality—all I can say is that I would feel profound disappointment upon successfully locating a Bullstrap Leather NavSafe Wallet
  2. The Qi charging of that wallet might work too, beats me. I won't be holding onto this thing long enough to drain the battery
  3. The wallet purports to fit 3 cards, but it's obscenely, ridiculously tight. It's so tight that I barely got the second card in. It was only due to my journalistic commitment to fully evaluating the product that I attempted to wedge in a third—a decision I immediately regretted. One presumes this rich Corinthian leather will stretch with time, but it won't be on my watch. Perhaps this wallet was designed for a simpler time, back when nice credit cards were made out of plastic and not bulletproof steel
  4. Speaking of the leather, it is extremely genuine, because it already had a scratch along the entire bottom edge before I'd even removed it from the insufficiently-protective plastic bag it was shipped in. Since their return policy requires products to be returned in "unused, re-sellable condition", perhaps this one had been sold, unused, and returned a few times already
  5. Instead of a thumbhole on the back side through which to slide your cards upwards and eject them from the wallet, you're left with only this weird little cloaca at the bottom that no earthly finger could ever squeeze into. Maybe they imagine customers taking a tiny flathead screwdriver and shoving it up the glory hole in order to get their cards out? Because that's what I had to do
  6. The magnet is so fucking weak I thought that I might have forgotten a step in the setup instructions. I literally double-checked the box to make sure there wasn't some kind of adhesive magnet I was supposed to affix on my own. Whatever this magnet is, I would not call it load bearing—two metallic cards and a driver's license left it so precariously attached to the back of my buck-naked iPhone 16 Pro that a heavy breath and a generous jiggle was all it took to dislodge it. To make sure the weight of my cards wasn't to blame, I tested the wallet empty and the magnet is quite a lot weaker than the already-way-too-weak Apple MagSafe wallet and absolutely no match for any of the sub-$20 junk you can find on Amazon in this category

I ordered it directly from their store, which means I also apparently have to pay $7.99 to return it, which feels like bullshit. Come to think of it, the fact I have to wait to hear back from their customer support to get a shipping label is actually why I'm writing this review. I just needed someone to talk to, apparently.

Anyway, this is your regular reminder of why we all ought to just keep ordering garbage products on Amazon and making liberal use of their generous free return policy while we let independent resellers and the resiliency of the US economy rot on the vine. Fuck's sake.

How to transcribe a Podcast with Whisper on an ARM Mac using Homebrew

Goofing around with podcast transcripts today. Here's what I did to transcribe version 26 of the Breaking Change podcast, after a couple hours of being mad at how hard the Internet was making it:

  1. Run brew install whisper-cpp, because I'm fucking sick of cloning one-off Python repos.
  2. Download a model and put it somewhere (I chose ggml-large-v3-turbo-q8_0.bin because it's apparently slower but more accurate than "q5", whatever the hell any of this means)
  3. Since your podcast is probably an MP3, you'll have to convert it to a WAV file for Whisper. Rather than create an interstitial file we'd have to clean up later, we'll just pipe the conversion from ffmpeg. That bit of the command looks like: ffmpeg -i "v26.mp3" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -f wav -
  4. Next is the actual Whisper command, which requires us to reference both the Metal stuff (which ships with whisper-cpp) as well as our model (which I just put in iCloud Drive so I could safely forget about it). I also set it to output SRT (because I wrote a Ruby gem that converts SRT files to human-readable transcripts) and hint that I'm speaking in English. That bit of the command looks like this: GGML_METAL_PATH_RESOURCES="$(brew --prefix whisper-cpp)/share/whisper-cpp" whisper-cpp --model ~icloud-drive/dotfiles/models/whisper/ggml-large-v3-turbo-q8_0.bin --output-srt --language en --output-file "v26.srt"

Here's the above put together into a brief script I named transcribe-podcast that will just transcribe whatever file you pass to it:

# Check if an input file is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 input_audio_file"
  exit 1

base_name=$(basename "$input_file" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//')

# Convert input audio to 16kHz mono WAV and pipe to whisper-cpp
ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -f wav - | \
  GGML_METAL_PATH_RESOURCES="$(brew --prefix whisper-cpp)/share/whisper-cpp" \
  whisper-cpp --model ~/icloud-drive/dotfiles/models/whisper/ggml-large-v3-turbo-q8_0.bin \
  --output-srt --language en --output-file "$base_name" -

If you're writing a script like this for yourself, just replace the path to the --model flag and you too will be able to do cool stuff like this:

$ transcribe-podcast your-podcast.mp3

As for performance, on an M4 Pro with 14 CPU cores, the above three-and-a-half hour podcast took a bit over 11 minutes. On an M2 Ultra with 24 cores, the same file was finished in about 8 minutes. Cool.

How to add a headrest to a Steelcase Leap chair

The Steelcase Leap (v2) is a good office chair in a world of mostly bad office chairs. I've been using it since 2020 and I don't love it, but I definitely hate it less than every other office chair I've ever owned. That's one reason I find myself vexed that Steelcase does not offer an after-market headrest for the chair (and no longer seems to let you configure one with a built-in headrest). In fact, so few office chairs offer headrests that I was briefly tempted to buy a "gaming chair" (do not buy a gaming chair).

And if you're reading this and identify as an Online Ergonomics Expert, I know you're champing at the bit to tell me, "headrests are bad, actually."

But if you're like me and have an incredibly large and heavy head, and/or you spend most of your time at the computer leaning back and pondering what to do next between furious-but-sporadic bouts of typing, then I'm happy to report I have a solution for what ails you.

I tried four different DIY solutions for slapping a third-party headrest onto the Steelcase Leap that were dreamed up by randos on Reddit, but only one of them worked. And the best part is that the winning thread only requires the headrest and a couple of zip ties, meaning that this approach shouldn't void your warranty by requiring you to drill into the back of the chair.

All you need:

  1. This exact headrest made by Engineered Now
  2. These heavy-duty zip ties
  3. These images and maybe also these images that more-or-less tell you how to secure the headrest with the ties to the chair itself

If you're visiting here from a search engine or an AI assistant's generous citation, I hope you find this helpful! I can only speak for myself, but I am quite glad that I didn't have to buy a new chair just to keep my 15-pound head upright at the end of a long day.

Apple's own documentation doesn’t know about watchOS 11’s biggest feature

From Apple's support page for connecting an Apple Watch to Wi-Fi:

Note: Apple Watch won’t connect to public networks that require logins, subscriptions, or profiles. These networks, called captive networks, can include free and pay networks in places like businesses, schools, dorms, apartments, hotels, and stores.

This has indeed been my experience ever since buying the Series 0 in 2015. But because the Apple Watch can piggyback off its parent iPhone for data over Bluetooth—and because most people are never more than a few feet from their phone—odds are you've never even noticed that attempting to join a Wi-Fi network with a captive portal would silently fail instead of bringing up a WebKit view.

You'll never guess what happens next…

The Empowered Programmer citations

Update: As promised, the talk is now up! Go check it out if you want.

I meant to be more on top of it than this, but thanks to some day-of turbulence, I failed to do two things before my Rails World talk on Thursday:

  1. Post this promised post of links to my blog so people could see all the various tools and advice I'd referenced
  2. Redirect Becky's old site (buildwithbecky.com) to the new one (betterwithbecky.com)


Anyway, better late than never. Here are the things I mentioned in the talk:

Of course, most of you reading this weren't in the audience in Toronto and haven't seen the talk. Sit tight, I'm told that Rails World's turnaround time for getting the video online won't be too long. 🤞

There are a bunch of other things about the app's design and architecture that I had to cut for time and which I hope to share in the future, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at how I put together the presentation. Stay tuned!

Drive-by Active Storage advice

This post is also available in Japanese, care of Shozo Hatta

I'm working on a conference talk and there won't be time for me to detail each and every piece of advice I've accrued for each technical topic, so I'm going to dump some of them here and link back to them from the slides.

Today's topic is Active Storage, the Ruby on Rails feature that makes it easy to store user-generated assets like photos and videos in the cloud without clogging up your application or database servers.

Before you do anything, read this absolutely stellar post describing how to get the most out of the feature and avoid its most dangerous foot-guns.

Here goes.

And before you knew it…

A decoupled approach to relaying events between Stimulus controllers

Part of the allure of Stimulus is that you can attach rich, dynamic behavior to the DOM without building out a long-lived stateful application in the browser.

The pitch is that each controller is an island unto itself, with each adding a particular kind of behavior (e.g. a controller for copying to clipboard, another for displaying upload status, another for drag-and-drop reordering), configured entirely via data attributes. This works really well when user behavior directly initiates all of the behaviors a Stimulus controller needs to implement.

This works markedly less well when a controller's behavior needs to be triggered by another controller.

Let's dive in and find out…

What one must pass to includes() to include Active Storage attachments

If you're using Active Storage, eager-loading nested associations that contain attachments in order to avoid the "N + 1" query problem can quickly reach the point of absurdity.

Working on the app for Becky's strength-training business, I got curious about how large the array of hashes being sent to the call to includes() is whenever the overall strength-training program is loaded by the server. (This only happens on a few pages, like the program overview page, which genuinely does contain a boatload of information and images).

Each symbol below refers to a reference from one table to another. Every one that descends from :file_attachment is a reference to one of the tables managed by Active Storage for keeping track of cloud-hosted images and videos. Those hashes were extracted from the with_all_variant_records scope that Rails provides.

I mean, look at this:

       {:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}, :preview_image_attachment=>{:blob=>{:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}}}}}}},
       {:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}, :preview_image_attachment=>{:blob=>{:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}}}}}}},
         {:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}, :preview_image_attachment=>{:blob=>{:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}}}}}},
         {:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}, :preview_image_attachment=>{:blob=>{:variant_records=>{:image_attachment=>:blob}}}}}}}},

By my count, that's 167 relationships! Of course, in practice it's not quite this bad since the vast majority are repeated, and as a result this winds up executing "only" 50 queries or so. But that's… a lot!

Keep reading…

Broadcasting real-time database changes on a budget

While building Becky's (yet unreleased) app for her strength training business, I've been taking liberal advantage of the Hotwire combo of Turbo and Stimulus to facilitate dynamic frontend behavior without resorting to writing separate server-side and client-side apps. You can technically use these without Rails, but let's be honest: few people do.

Here are a few capabilities this broader suite of libraries give you, in case you're not familiar:

  • Rails Request.js offers a minimal API for sending conventional HTTP requests from JavaScript with the headers Rails expects like X-CSRF-Token handled for you
  • Turbo streams can send just a snippet of HTML over the wire (a fetch/XHR or an Action Cable socket) to re-render part of a page, and support was recently added for Custom Actions that sorta let you send anything you want over the wire
  • The turbo-rails gem adds some very handy glue code to broadcast model updates in your database and render Turbo streams to subscribers via an Action Cable socket connection
  • Stimulus values are synced with the DOM as data attributes on the owning controller's element, and Object serialization is supported (as one might guess) via JSON serialization. Stimulus controllers, by design, don't do much but they do watch the DOM for changes to their values' data attributes

Is your head spinning yet? Good.

What happens next will shock you…

Photo Shuffle is still broken in the iOS 18 Lock Screen

For iOS 16, Apple overhauled the iPhone lock screen and the one feature they shipped that I really, really wanted was the ability to shuffle depth-effect photos of my spouse. It's called "Photo Shuffle", and you get there by adding a new lock screen, tapping "Photo Shuffle", and selecting "People". The Big Idea is that your phone would use machine learning to select great photos and then apply a depth effect (i.e. clipping the subject in front of the time). However, instead of having users select "People & Pets" from a standard iCloud Photos picker, you get an arbitrary smattering of a couple dozen randos in a bare bones custom UI.

So what's my beef with this feature? Over the course of 2 years and 7 devices, my wife has never been among the options presented to me. Can't select her. Doesn't matter that I've named her in the Photos app. Or favorited her. My library has over 25,000 photos of her for crissakes. Who can I pick from instead? Well, there are least 3 kids whose names I never knew and for whom Becky appears to have had as Spanish students for a single semester in 2009. Great job, everyone.

As it turns out, I am not alone.

I first encountered this bug in iOS 16 developer beta 1 on June 6, 2022. It has persisted across four iPhones and three iPads, even when set up fresh, not-from-backup. Not only that, I always see the exact same list of people I don't care about. Most of whom I never even bothered to name in Photos, which suggests the bug lives in the cloud, which is just great.

Jason Snell reported on this feature's problematic design last year (during iOS 17 beta season), for MacWorld:

Photo Shuffle's method of offering people to display appears utterly broken. It offered my wife a small number of faces, most of whom were completely random and fairly uncommon. She's got hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures of me and our kids on her phone, and yet we weren't among the faces offered. And if the faces you're looking for aren't in Photo Shuffle's very small list of options, there's no recourse. You're stuck.

Well, here we are, one year later, and I'm unhappy to report: Photo Shuffle is still broken in iOS 18. It doesn't seem to have been touched at all.

When people talk about the inscrutability of machine-learning and AI as being problematic, this is as practical an example as I can think of. All I want to do is shuffle photos of my wife on my lock screen, but there's no action I can take as a user—no amount of hardware purchases, software updates, or device factory resets—to make that happen. Apple Support can't do anything either. I doubt the engineers who worked on it could. Whenever anyone says "AI", everyone involved quickly absolves themselves of responsibility—it's a black box.

Recipe: Swapping out a model div with Turbo Streams and Stimulus

Rails + Hotwire is very capable of dynamic behavior like replacing a component in the DOM by sending HTML over-the-wire in response to a user action, but the fact it requires you to touch half a dozen files in the process can make the whole thing feel daunting. Rails itself has always been this way (with each incremental feature requiring a route, model, controller, view, etc.), but I've been using it long enough that I sometimes forget that—similar to learning a recipe—I originally needed months of intentional practice to internalize and gain comfort with the framework's most routine of workflows.

So, like a recipe card, here is a reusable approach to swapping out a <div> rendered by a Rails partial with a turbo stream whenever a user selects an alternate model from an input (specifically, a select) using Turbo 8, Stimulus 1.3, and Rails 7.1.

The ingredients

  1. Partial: Extract a partial to be rendered inside the element you wish to replace, so that both your view and your turbo stream can render the same markup for a given model
  2. Routing: Add a route specifying a one-off controller action that will respond with a turbo stream
  3. Controller Action: Define an action that takes your model ID and the DOM element's ID and responds with a turbo stream to update the element's contents
  4. Turbo Stream View: Create a turbo stream view for the action that invokes the partial
  5. Stimulus Controller: Create a generic Stimulus controller that can swap any model type when given a path, ID, and container
  6. View: Wire up the Stimulus controller to the view's select box and the to-be-replaced element

That's it, 6 key ingredients. If you're curious, step 5 contains the most magic flavoring. 🪄

The actions

Ingredients in hand, let's walk through each of the steps needed to go end-to-end with this feature.

1. Set Up the Rails Partial

First, create a partial that you want to render inside the <div>. Let's assume we want users to be able to change out a generic model named Item, which has a conventional ItemsController.

In that case, let's place a partial that renders the details about an item alongside the controller's views, in _detail.html.erb:

<!-- app/views/items/_detail.html.erb -->
  <%= item.title %>
  <!-- Other item stuff… -->

2. Add Routes

Next, we'll add the necessary route for the detail action:

# config/routes.rb
resources :items do
  get :detail, on: :collection

This will define a path helper detail_items_path, which works out to "/items/detail".

Note that I threw this on the :collection so that our stimulus controller can more easily specify the URL via query parameters instead of interpolating a fancier member route (e.g. "items/42/detail").

3. Define the Controller Action

With the route defined, we'll add a simple controller action that only responds to turbo stream requests.

Here's what that might look like:

# app/controllers/items_controller.rb
class ItemsController < ApplicationController
  def detail
    @dom_id = params[:dom_id]
    @item = Item.find(params[:id])

This dom_id param might throw you off at first, but it's important to keep in mind that unique HTML IDs are the coin of the realm in Turbo-land. You'll see how it gets set later, in step 5.

4. Create the Turbo Stream View

To finish the route-controller-view errand, we'll create a view for the detail action, with the turbo_stream.erb extension instead of html.erb:

<!-- app/views/items/detail.turbo_stream.erb -->
<%= turbo_stream.update @dom_id do %>
  <%= render partial: "detail", locals: { item: @item } %>
<% end %>

Because both the turbo stream and the original view need to render items in exactly the same way, detail.turbo_stream.erb view responds by rendering the _detail.html.erb partial. If you inspect the HTML that comes over the wire, you'll see that only the turbo stream tag containing this partial is transferred, which often means barely more data is transferred than had we implemented this as a single-page JavaScript by making a similar HTTP request for JSON.

5. Define the Stimulus Controller

In order for users' selections to have any effect, we need JavaScript. We could write a Stimulus controller that's coupled specifically to this Item model, but it's no more work to make it generic, which would allow us to reuse this functionality elsewhere in our app. So let's do that.

You can do this the hard way by using the browser's built-in fetch API to construct the URL, set the Accept header to text/vnd.turbo-stream.html, and replace the element's innerHTML in the DOM, but that's easy to screw up (in fact, I screwed it up twice while writing this). So instead, I'd recommend pulling in the requestjs-rails gem, by first chucking it in your Gemfile alongside any other front-end related gems:

gem "requestjs-rails"

Here's the final Stimulus controller. Deep breath, as I haven't explained all this yet:

// app/javascript/controllers/model_swap_controller.js
import { get } from '@rails/request.js'
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'

export default class ModelSwapController extends Controller {
  static targets = ['container']
  static values = {
    path: String,
    originalId: String

  swap (event) {
    const modelId = event.currentTarget.value || // Value from input action
      event.detail?.value || // Value from custom event (e.g. hotwire_combobox)
      this.originalIdValue // Fallback to original value if input value is cleared

    get(this.pathValue, {
      query: {
        id: modelId,
        dom_id: this.containerTarget.id
      responseKind: 'turbo-stream'

That get function from @rails/request.js handles all the housekeeping you might hope it would. When I switched to it, the fact it worked the instant I plopped it in gave me Dem Magic Vibes that keep me coming back to Rails 18 years in.

This controller also contains two values and a target:

  • path value: this is just a URL, which we'll set to our intentionally-parameter-free detail_items_path
  • originalId value: this is the Item ID that was first rendered when the page loaded. By having this available as a fallback, we'll be able to gracefully handle the user choosing a blank option from the select by restoring the original item
  • container target: this is the DOM element containing the partial we're going to swap out. Note that it must have a unique id attribute, which we're including in our request to the server as dom_id

If this doesn't make perfect sense, I recommend wiring it up anyway and getting it working first, then debugging to inspect the values in motion.

6. Wiring up the Stimulus Controller in the View

Finally, we'll visit the original view from which the _detail.html.erb partial was initially extracted.

Right off the bat, you might notice that I like to use content_tag whenever I need to specify numerous attributes with Ruby expressions, as it requires far fewer <%=%> interpolations than specifying a literal <div>:

<!-- app/views/items/show.html.erb -->
<%= content_tag :div, data: {
    controller: "model-swap",
    model_swap_path_value: detail_items_path,
    model_swap_original_id_value: @item.id,
  } do %>
  <%= collection_select :item, :id, Item.all, :id, :title,
    {include_blank: true},
    {data: {action: "model-swap#swap"}} %>

  <div id="<%= dom_id(@item, "detail") %>" data-model-swap-target="container">
    <%= render partial: "detail", locals: { item: @item } %>
<% end %>

The above will probably look immediately familiar to anyone who's done a lot of work with Stimulus before and utterly arcane otherwise. Helping you sort out the latter is beyond the scope of this article, though. Ask ChatGPT or something.

The only thing in the above template that wasn't completely preordained by the first 5 steps was the id attribute of the wrapping div element, so I'll explain that here. For illustration purposes, I set the container div to dom_id(@item, "detail") (which would work out to something like "detail_item_42") to give an example of something that's likely to be unique, but in truth, the most appropriate ID will depend on what's going on in the broader page. For example, in the UI that inspired this blog post, I am allowing users to replace any of a variable array of items across 3 options, so my IDs are based on those indices, like option_2_item_4, as opposed to the database ID of any models. All that really matters is that the ID be unique.

That's it!

Pulling off functionality like this with Turbo and Stimulus feels extra delightful, I think, if you (like so many of us) spent the last decade assuming that this kind of snappy, dynamic behavior would require a front-end JavaScript framework that would live forever and keep track of a duplicated copy of the app's state. Instead, because the server-side rendered view can draw the entire page without any JavaScript involved, any client-side changes we introduce to the state of the DOM can operate on attributes first defined by the view, keeping the entire source of truth of the current application state in one place (the DOM) instead of two (a server database and in-memory JavaScript objects).

Anyway, when it works, it's great. And when the lego bricks aren't snapping together for whatever reason, it's infuriating. Which maybe makes Hotwire the most Rails-assed extension to the framework since Rails itself. If you find yourself losing a bunch of time to what seem like trivial naming issues, just know that you're not alone. This stuff takes practice to get used to.

If you've worked through this guide, hopefully you have a functioning feature that you can continue iterating on. If you stumbled over any errata above, please let me know.

Make Command-Return submit your web form

Hello, I just wanted to say that if you want your web app to feel Cool and Modern, one of the easiest things you can do is make it so that Mac users can hit command-return anywhere in the form to submit it.

Some web sites map this to control-enter for other platforms, and that's fine, but I don't bother. Truth be told, I used to bother, but after adding it to a few web apps years ago, I actually had multiple Windows and Linux users complain to me about unintended form submissions.

I am not making a comment on the sophistication of non-Apple users, but I am saying that if you just stick this code at the top of your app, it will make it more Exclusive and feel Snappier and I will thank you for it.

Here, just copy and paste this. Don't even bother reading it first:

document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
  if (event.key === 'Enter' && event.metaKey) {
    if (!document.activeElement) return
    const closestForm = document.activeElement.closest('form')
    if (closestForm) {

Why I just uninstalled my own VS Code extension

After a little over a year of prodding by Vini Stock to ship a Standard Ruby add-on for Ruby LSP, and thanks to a lot of help from Shopify's Ruby DX team, I've finally done it! In fact, so long as your Gemfile's version of standard is at least 1.39.1, you already have the new Ruby LSP add-on. It's built-in!

Ruby LSP supports any editor with language server support, but configuration varies from editor to editor. Since VS Code is relatively dominant, I added some docs on how to set it up, but most Ruby LSP users will just need these settings to select Standard as their linter and formatter:

"[ruby]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "Shopify.ruby-lsp"
"rubyLsp.formatter": "standard",
"rubyLsp.linters": [

I've been using this configuration for a bit over a week and I've decided: it's time to uninstall my own bespoke extension that we launched early last year .

I've also updated Standard's README to explain why the new Ruby LSP add-on is superior to our own built-in language server. In short, the Ruby LSP add-on supports pull diagnostics and code actions, and the built-in server does not.

Standard Ruby's built-in language server and existing VS Code extension will continue to work and be supported for the forseeable future, but it doesn't make much sense to invest heavily into new features, when the Ruby LSP add-on will get them "for free".

Why make the switch?

Three reasons:

  1. Capability. Ruby LSP centralizes the pain of figuring out how to build a full-featured, performant language server. The issue isn't that implementing a basic STDIO server is All That Hard, it's that rolling your own utilities like logging, debugging, and test harnesses are a huge pain in the ass. By plugging into Ruby LSP as an add-on, library authors can integrate with simpler high-level APIs, exploit whatever LSP capabilities it implements and whatever utilities it exposes, and spare themselves from re-inventing Actually Hard things like project-scoped code indexing (instead, leveraging Ruby LSP's robust, well-tested index)
  2. Duplication. RuboCop maintainer Koichi Ito gave the closest thing to a barn-burner presentation about language servers at RubyKaigi that I could imagine, where he discussed the paradoxical wastefulness of every library author hand-rolling the same basic implementation while simultaneously needing their own tightly-integrated language server to push their tools' capabilities forward. In the case of Standard Ruby, we're squeezed on both sides: at one end, a Ruby LSP add-on would be a more convenient, batteries-included solution than publishing our own extension; at the other, nuking our own custom LSP code and delegating to RuboCop's built-in language server would unlock capabilities we couldn't hope to provide ourselves
  3. Maintainability. You think I enjoy maintaining any of this shit?

Embracing defeat

So yeah, in the medium-term future, I see Ruby LSP and RuboCop as being better-positioned to offer a language server than Standard itself. Thanks to Will Leinweber's implementation, we may have been there first, but I have nothing to gain by my spending free time to ensure our server is somehow better than everyone else's. In the long-term, even more consolidation seems likely—which probably means Ruby LSP will become dominant. But ultimately, they're called language servers for a reason, and if Ruby shipped with a built-in language server (and an API that any code could easily plug into), it could prove a competitive advantage over other languages while simultaneously enabling a new class of tools that could each pitch in to enhance the developer experience in distinct, incremental ways.

On a human level, I think it's important not to associate the prospect of retiring one's own work with feelings of failure. Code is a liability, not an asset. Whenever I can get by with less of it, I feel relief after discarding it. If relief isn't your default reaction to a competing approach winning out on the merits (and it's understandable if it isn't; pride of authorship is a thing), I encourage you to figure out how to adopt this mindset. There are far too many problems out there worth solving to waste a single minute defending the wrong solution.

Anyway, go try out Standard with Ruby LSP and tell me how it goes! I'll be bummed if I didn't manage to break at least something.

Pro-tip: make your debug print statements POP 🍾

This isn't an exciting idea, but since I know a lot of puts debuggerers who are probably accustomed to printing plain text into a sea of log noise, I thought I'd share this PSA: making your print statements visually distinctive makes them easier to spot.

If you're trying to log a value during the request/response lifecycle of a Rails development server, there's a lot of chatter for every page load. So instead of passing something to puts or pp and spraining a squint muscle to find your print statement in the server logs, do something to make it stand out!

You could reach for a gem like awesome_print for this, but IMNSHO there's no need to add another dependency just for this.

Since I use a white-background terminal, my quick solution was to define a method that pretty-prints its argument with a black background (called Kernel#buts). Since I only need this for my development server, I chucked it in a development-only initializer:

# config/initializers/buts.rb

return unless Rails.env.development?

module Kernel
 # Make your output stand out more in the Rails server console
 def buts(obj)
   black_background_white_text = "\e[30;47m"
   reset = "\e[0m"
   puts "#{black_background_white_text}#{obj.pretty_inspect}#{reset}"

Here's the before-and-after. At a glance, can you even see what I'm trying to print in the first screenshot?

There you go. Life's too short to be hunting through logs for one-off print statements. 🔎

Instantiate a custom Rails FormBuilder without using form_with

I'm building a Rails app using Tailwind, which works really well for almost everything out-of-the-box except forms, because—unless you relish the idea of repeating the exact same list of CSS classes for each and every field in your app—you're going to be left wanting for some way to extract all that messy duplication.

To that end, I've gradually built up a custom FormBuilder to house all my classes. (If you're looking for a starting point, here's a gist of what my TailwindFormBuilder currently looks like).

This works great when you're using form_with, because the custom form builder will automatically take over when you set the builder option:

<%= form_with model: @user, builder: TailwindFormBuilder do |form| %>
<% end >

And if you set it globally with ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = FormBuilders::TailwindFormBuilder, the custom builder becomes the default. Nifty!

But what about when you need to render input elements outside the context of a proper form? Today, I wanted to render some checkboxes for a client-side UI that would never be "submitted" and for which no object made sense as an argument to form_with. Both immediately-available options are bad:

  1. Wrapping those checkboxes in an unnecessary <form> tag by passing a dummy object to form_with, just for the side effect of having my TailwindFormBuilder invoked, seemed kind of silly
  2. Using one of Rails' built-in form helpers that work outside form_with, like check_box_field, wouldn't invoke my TailwindFormBuilder and would therefore lack any of its CSS classes

Instead, I figured the best path forward would be to instantiate my form builder myself, even though that's not something the docs would encourage you to do to. So, I pulled up the FormBuilder#initialize source to see what arguments it needed:

def initialize(object_name, object, template, options)
  # …

Lucky for us, the only thing that really matters above is the template object, which I (correctly, apparently) guessed could be passed as self from an ERB file or a view helper.

Here's a little helper I made to instantiate my custom TailwindFormBuilder manually:

# app/helpers/faux_form_helper.rb

module FauxFormHelper
  FauxFormObject = Struct.new do
    def errors

    def method_missing(...)

    def respond_to_missing?(...)

  def faux_form
    @faux_form ||= FormBuilders::TailwindFormBuilder.new(

Explaining each of these arguments in order:

  1. object_name is set to nil, so the name attribute of each input isn't wrapped in brackets (e.g. name="some_object_name[pants]")
  2. object doesn't matter, because this isn't a real form, so my FauxFormObject just responds as if every possible value is a real property, as well as to errors with an empty hash (which my form builder uses to determine when to highlight validation problems in red)
  3. template is set to self, because that seems to work
  4. options is left as an empty hash, because I don't appear to depend on any yet

This, in turn, lets me render consistently-styled form fields anywhere I like. As a result, this ERB:

<%= faux_form.check_box(:pants, checked: true) %>

Will render with all my default checkbox classes:

  type="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" name="pants" id="pants"
  class="block rounded size-3.5 focus:ring focus:ring-success checked:bg-success checked:hover:bg-success/90 cursor-pointer focus:ring-opacity-50   border border-gray-300 focus:border-success"

This incongruity has been a pebble in my shoe for a couple years now, so I'm glad to finally have a working solution for rendering Tailwind-ified fields both inside and outside the context of a proper HTML form.

Hope you find it helpful! 🦦🪄

Abusing Rails' content_for to push data attributes up the DOM

(I just thought of this today, and it's probably a terrible idea, but it seems to work. If you have reason to believe this is really stupid, please let me know!)

If you use Hotwired with Rails, you probably find yourself writing a lot of data attributes. This is great, because (similar to HTMX), it makes the DOM the primary source of truth and all that, but it sometimes imposes one of several vexing constraints on Stimulus components:

  • Stimulus values must be set on the same element that specifies the controller (i.e. whatever tag has data-controller="cheese" must contain all its value attributes, like data-cheese-smell-value="stinky"). This can be a problem when you'll only have easy access to the value at some later point in your ERB template. You can't just set it on a descendant
  • A Stimulus controller's targets (as in, data-cheese-target="swiss") must be descendants of the controller, which can present design challenges when those targets appear in wildly different areas of the DOM, rendered by unrelated templates
  • Actions will only reach a controller if that controller is an ancestor of whatever node triggered the event (i.e. data-action="click->cheese#sniff" only works if it's placed on a descendant of the element with data-controller="cheese")

I often find myself writing Stimulus components that would be easier to implement if any of the above three things weren't true, and it can occasionally lead me to wishing I could just chuck a data attribute near the top of the DOM in my layout from an individual view or partial to ensure every element involved shares a certain controller as a common ancestor. The alternatives are all worse: storing one-off data attributes as values (which don't benefit from Stimulus nifty Values API), binding actions to global events (@window), or indirect inter-controller communication.

An example problem

In my particular case, I have a bit of UI in my layout that resembles an iOS navigation bar. That bar will render a search field for certain views that have a number of elements that should be filterable by that search bar. The DOM tree looks like this:

  • A top-level layout template:
    • A navigation bar partial (that allows customization via yield :navbar)
    • A view container containing the layout's primary yield to each view. Each view, in turn:
      • Renders whatever content they need
      • [Optional] Configures whether the navigation bar renders a search field for that page (via content_for :navbar)
      • [Optional] Renders a list of elements that should be filterable

Say this filtering behavior is governed by a Stimulus controller called Filterable. This setup raises the question: where should the data-controller="filterable" attribute go? It can't go in the navigation bar, because then the target elements to be filtered would not descend from the controller. It can't go in the view, because then the search bar's events wouldn't trigger actions on the controller. Of course, it could go on the layout's <body> tag, but what if only a handful of pages offer filter functionality? Binding every possible Stimulus controller to the body of every single page is obviously the wrong answer.

My solution? Abuse the hell out of Action View's content_for and yield methods. (Here are the relevant Rails guides if you're not familiar).

My hacked-up solution

In short, I just encode my desired data attributes from views and partials as JSON in a call to content_for and then render them upstream to the layout with yield as attributes on the <body> (or some other common ancestor element).

In this very simple case, the only thing I needed to push up the DOM to a shared ancestor was a data-controller="filterable", which just required this bit of magic at the top of the view containing my filterable items:

<% json_content_for :global_data_attrs, {controller: "filterable"} %>

And this update to my layout:

<%= content_tag :body, data: json_content_from(yield(:global_data_attrs)) do %>
  <!-- Everything goes here -->
<% end %>

And… boom! The page's body tag now contains data-controller="filterable", which means:

  • The items in the view (each with data-filterable-target="item" set) are now valid targets
  • The search bar's actions (with data-action="input->filterable#update") are now reaching the body's Filterable controller.

How it works

Here's how I implemented the helper methods json_content_for and json_content_from to facilitate this:

# app/helpers/content_for_abuse_helper.rb
module ContentForAbuseHelper
  STUPID_SEPARATOR = "|::|::|"

  def json_content_for(name, json)
    content_for name, json.to_json.html_safe + STUPID_SEPARATOR

  def json_content_from(yielded_content)
    yielded_content.split(STUPID_SEPARATOR).reduce({}) { |memo, json|
      memo.merge(JSON.parse(json)) { |key, val_1, val_2|
        token_list(val_1, val_2)

Take particular note of the call to token_list there. Because it's being called in a block passed to Hash#merge, that means any duplicate data attribute names will have their contents concatenated with whitespace between them.

This way you could have one view or partial contain:

<% json_content_for :global_data_attrs, {controller: "cheese"} %>

And another with:

<% json_content_for :global_data_attrs, {controller: "meats veggies"} %>

And a layout like the one above will ensure all of your controllers come along for the ride:

<body data-controller="cheese meats veggies">


This is a hack

The content_for and yield methods were invented in a simpler time when developers had the basic decency to keep HTML in their HTML files, CSS in their CSS files, and JavaScript in their JavaScript files. But thanks to Tailwind and Stimulus, I find I'm writing more and more of my styling and behavior in HTML attributes, which is why I contorted these two methods to do what I wanted.

I'd advise anyone tread lightly with approaches like this. Any time you muck with a higher-order thing from a lower-order thing, you're creating an opportunity for confusion, making caching more difficult, and opening the door to conflicts between unrelated pieces of code.

But, I dunno. Seems to work. 🤷‍♂️

Hey, check out this infuriating Safari bug

It appears that Safari 17.5 (as well as the current Safari Technology Preview, "Safari 18.0, WebKit 19619.1.18") has a particularly pernicious bug in which img tags with lazy-loading enabled that have a src which must be resolved after an HTTP redirect will stop rendering if you load a lot of them. But only sometimes. And then continuously for, like, 5 minutes.

Suppose I have a bunch of images like this in list:

<img loading="lazy" src="/a/redirect/to/some.webp">

Seems reasonable, right? Well, here's what I'm seeing:

Weirdly, when the bug is encountered:

  • Safari won't "wake up" to load the image in response to scrolling or resizing the window
  • Nothing is printed to the development console and no errors appear in the Network tab
  • The bug will persist after countless page refreshes for at least several minutes (almost as if a time-based cache expiry is at play)
  • It also persists after fully quitting and relaunching Safari (suggesting a system-wide cache or process is responsible)

I got tripped up on this initially, because I thought the bug was caused by the fact I was loading WebP files, but the issue went away as soon as I started loading the static file directly, without any redirect. As soon as I realized the bug was actually triggered by many images requiring a redirect—regardless of file type—the solution was easy: stop doing that.

(Probably a good idea, regardless, since it's absurdly wasteful to ask every user to follow hundreds of redirects on every page load.)

So why was I redirecting so many thumbnail images in the first place? Well, Active Storage, which I use for hosting user-uploaded assets, defaults to serving those assets via a Rails-internal route which redirects each asset to whatever storage provider is hosting it. That means if your app uses the default redirect mode instead of ensuring your assets are served by a CDN, you can easily wind up in really stupid situations like this one.

Fortunately for me, I'm only relying on redirection in development (in production, I have Rails generating URLs to an AWS CloudFront distribution), so this bug wouldn't have bitten me For Real. Of course, there was no way I could have known that, so I sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed watching the bug derail my entire morning. Not like I was doing anything.

Being a programmer is fun! At least it's Friday. 🫠

How to loopback computer audio with SSL2/+ and Logic Pro

I use an SSL2+ interface to connect my XLR microphone to my Mac via USB-C when I record Breaking Change. When it launched, the SSL2 and SSL2+ interfaces could monitor your computer audio (as in, pipe it into the headphones you had plugged into it, which you would need if you were recording during a discussion with other people), but there was no way to capture that audio. Capturing computer audio is something you might want to do if you had a Stream Deck or mix board configured to play certain sounds when you hit certain buttons during a stream or other audio production. And up until the day you stumbled upon this blog post, you'd need a software solution like Audio Hijack to accomplish that.

Today, that all changes!

Last year, Solid State Logic released v1.2 firmware update for the SSL2 and SSL2+ to add official loopback support. (At the time of this writing, the current version is 1.3.)

Impressively, the firmware update process couldn't have been easier. Even though the custom UI looks a bit janky, it only required one button press to run and it was all over in about 30 seconds:

Once installed, I had no idea what to do. It appears nobody updated the device's documentation to explain how to actually record looped back audio. I'm brand new to audio engineering (and reluctant to get too deep into it), so it's a small miracle I figured the following out on my own without too much hassle:

  • The SSL2/+ ships with 2 physical channels (one for each XLR input), but what's special about the v1.2 firmware update was that it added two virtual channels (3 and 4, representing the left and right channels of whatever audio is sent from the computer to the interface)
  • In your DAW (which audio people like me know stands for "Digital Audio Workstation", which in my case is Logic Pro), you can set up two tracks for recording:
    • Input 1 to a mono channel to capture your voice (as you probably have been doing all along)
    • Input 3 & 4 to a new stereo channel to capture your computer audio via loopback
  • Both tracks need to be enabled for recording (blinking red in Logic) when you hit the record button.

Here's what that all looks like for me:

Previously, I've been recording the podcast with QuickTime Player, but I'll have to give that up and start recording in Logic (or another DAW) capable of separating multiple channels streaming in from a single input and recording them to separate tracks. Even if you could get all channels recording through a single channel in another app, you probably wouldn't like the result: voices recorded by microphones require significant processing—processing you'd never want to run computer audio through.

Anyway, hopefully this post helps somebody else figure this little secret out. Nothing but love for Rogue Amoeba, but I sure am glad I don't need to add Audio Hijack to my ever-increasing stack of audio tools to get my podcast out the door!

Adding vertical screen size media queries to Tailwind

Learning Tailwind was the first time I've felt like I had a chance in hell of expressing myself visually with precision and maintainability on the web. I'm a fan. If your life currently involves CSS and you haven't tried Tailwind, you should spend a few days with it and get over the initial learning curve.

One thing I like about Tailwind is that it's so extensible. It ships with utility classes for dealing with screen sizes to support responsive designs, but out-of-the-box it doesn't include any vertical screen sizes. This isn't surprising as they're usually not necessary.

But, have you ever tried to make your webapp work when a phone is held sideways? When you might literally only have 330 pixels of height after accounting for the browser's toolbar? If you have, you'll appreciate why you might want to make your design respond differently to extremely short screen heights.

Figuring out how to add this in Tailwind took less time than writing the above paragraph. Here's all I added to my tailwind.config.js:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      screens: {
        short: { raw: '(max-height: 400px)' },
        tall: { raw: '(min-height: 401px and max-height: 600px)' },
        grande: { raw: '(min-height: 601px and max-height: 800px)' },
        venti: { raw: '(min-height: 801px)' }

And now I can accomplish my goal of hiding elements on very short screens or otherwise compressing the UI. Here's me hiding a logo:

<img class="w-6 short:hidden" src="/logo.png">

Well, almost…

Unfortunately, because of this open issue, defining any screens with raw will inadvertently break variants like max-sm:, which is bad. So in the meantime, a workaround would be to define those yourself. Here's what that would look like:

const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      screens: {
        short: { raw: '(max-height: 400px)' },
        tall: { raw: '(min-height: 401px and max-height: 600px)' },
        grande: { raw: '(min-height: 601px and max-height: 800px)' },
        venti: { raw: '(min-height: 801px)' },

        // Manually generate max-<size> classes due to this bug https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/issues/13022
        'max-sm': { raw: `not all and (min-width: ${defaultTheme.screens.sm})` },
        'max-md': { raw: `not all and (min-width: ${defaultTheme.screens.md})` },
        'max-lg': { raw: `not all and (min-width: ${defaultTheme.screens.lg})` },
        'max-xl': { raw: `not all and (min-width: ${defaultTheme.screens.xl})` },
        'max-2xl': { raw: `not all and (min-width: ${defaultTheme.screens['2xl']})` },

Okay, yeah, so this was less of a slam dunk than I initially suggested, but I'm still pretty happy with it!