
I publish a monthly e-mail newsletter to share contemporaneous happenings and reflect on enduring truths. It's published over at Buttondown, but I archive the posts here for posterity.

Searls of Wisdom for March 2024

Don't tell March that it's a short month—we got a lot done!

For starters, we completed our first major home renovation since moving in. Apart from twisting my insides into knots from self-inflicted stress, everything went totally fine and all our contractors were awesome.

Justin and his new, much-too-expensive free-standing bath tub

I also found occasion to extract my first new open source library of 2024 while working on the new Better with Becky app. If you're a Rails developer and have ever felt uneasy about how easy it is to destroy models, check it out!

But I'm writing to you about something else that made my March especially memorable. An old friend came to visit that I hadn't seen in years. His name is chronic back pain, and he's a real son of a bitch.

To be continued…

Searls of Wisdom for February 2024

As I teased and subsequently recounted on my podcast (Breaking Change, available where all fine podcasts are sold), I decided to be that piece of shit flying cross-country with Apple Vision Pro strapped to my face three days after it launched:

Justin with a computer on his face

Of course, here I am a month later typing this with the same computer strapped to my face, but from the much more socially-acceptable confines of my home office.

Overall, I'm prepared to call February a success, if for no other reason than it was sunny and 83ºF yesterday, which allowed me to spend a few hours lounging at the pool. Probably not great news for the planet, but absolutely clutch for my 2024 base tan.

Speaking of planes and sunny destinations, this month I want to write a little bit about how and why my perspective on travel has changed over the years.

To be continued…

Searls of Wisdom for January 2024

Greetings from me and my Persona(BETA). In case you haven't met him, here's what he looks like:

Justin's persona (BETA) creeping out Ebi Patterson

If you'll allow January to leak into the first week of February (as I have), what a start to the year this month has been! I kicked off a brand new podcast and cut 4 episodes for a grand total of over 8 hours of explicit-rated, Searls-flavored content. Less importantly and after 7 years spent cooking in the R&D oven, Apple Vision Pro finally released, ushering in a mostly certain future amid a wildly uncertain present. And the world is finally fixated on a problem relevant to my life: how much of a time-consuming pain in the ass it is to fly between Japan and the US.

But today, we're not going to talk about any of that. We're going to talk about the nature of software and what it means to truly own an app.

And before you knew it…

Searls of Wisdom for December 2023

I bought Becky a piano for Christmas so I've been brushing up on the only instrument I know how to play:

Justin playing the washboard with a spoon

Congratulations on surviving 2023, everyone. Was touch and go there for a minute, but if you're reading this: you made it.

Don't worry, I'm not going to do a year-in-review for this month-in-review newsletter. One layer of retrospection is plenty. So let's just keep our heads down and focus on the month that was December.

And then what happened?…

Searls of Wisdom for November 2023

I finished Starfield last month, which included this unsettling scene of my own avatar giving me some free advice:

Justin in a spacesuit saying: "That's good. You'll need that clarity later"

Having a receding hairline is generally miserable, but the frustration is especially acute when futzing with a video game's character creator. As much as I'd love to grant my digital analog the curly mop of hair I shed long ago in my early 20s, I can never bring myself to so brazenly signal my dissatisfaction with my own appearance. I will admit, though, I usually consider selecting the hair I wish I had… before inevitably choosing whichever of the three balding scalps matches mine best.

To be continued…

Searls of Wisdom for August 2023

Me and some uncooked shellfish on a cruise ship.

Each month, it's my goal to get these newsletters out on the first of the month, and each month I fail. But in fairness to me, I took two overseas vacations in August and neither time did I bring anything to write with. Add to that, I just got home from Greece with that hip new variant of Covid everyone's talking about. So this month's newsletter is now a third of a month late as a result.

Turns out, there's more to it…

Searls of Wisdom for July 2023

Whenever you read something I write, please know that I was having exactly this much fun writing it for you: This is what I look like when I write this shit.

Greetings! It was a slow month in the content mines, as I've shifted my focus back to Top Secret work at Test Double, the fruits of which will probably not be apparent for six months or longer. As a result, I can't really answer what July was "all about", because I was squirreled away working on stuff I can't talk about just yet.

Keep reading…