
Justin Searls has a web site

Hello, Internet! It's me, your friend, Justin Searls. You might know me for co-founding Test Double or maybe you'll recognize me by this picture of my face from back when Twitter was a thing:

RIP in Peace, Twitter

In any case, this web site is now my preferred place for dishing takes on the Internet.

This site's content is syndicated elsewhere in a few ways:

  • You can subscribe to just about everything I create via Atom/RSS
  • The main feed of this site is mirrored on my Mastodon and X timelines
  • My one-man Internet radio show Breaking Change is available where all fine podcasts are sold
  • My Shots are cross-posted to Instagram
  • My Tubes are hosted on my YouTube channel and embedded here, because I'm too lazy to figure out how to host them elsewhere—so please like, subscribe, and mash that 🔔
  • Any Clips you see are short-form videos I've thrown together before flinging them to YouTube or Instagram or whatever.
  • If this feels like content overload, I put out a monthly e-mail newsletter with the goal of being the least bad e-mail newsletter in the world

(If you're interested in how all these syndications are plugged together, check out my POSSE page.)

Just about the only thing I don't post here is my open source code, which you can find primarily on GitHub, RubyGems, and npm.

I also have a LinkedIn account, but it's probably telling that we're this far down the page and I couldn't tell you what the hell LinkedIn is for other than curating some kind of Pokemon collection of work-adjacent connections.

Just want to send me an e-mail? I'm touched. Please send me your takes to website@searls.co.