Breaking Change artwork
Available where all fine podcasts are sold

Sometimes, I put down my keyboard and pick up my microphone to record a solo podcast that I like to call Breaking Change. It's an intermittent series of long-form discussions on whatever's happening in my little corner of life and technology. Each episode also features a hand-crafted pun delivered to us by Aaron "@tenderlove" Patterson and then I rank the pun on air. So that's fun.

Should I listen to it?

If you like to listen to podcasts while you do the dishes, walk the dog, or drive from A to B, and you enjoy blazing hot takes marinated in uncomfortably personal banter about Apple rumors, AAA gaming, whatever's streaming on TV, and life as a programmer, then yes!

If you like tightly-produced, heavily-sponsored, 30 minute panel discussions on a narrow topic, keep moving.

Solo? No cohost? Just you?

They are unusual, for sure. The podcast has a real drive time radio feel, which has become something of a lost in the current era that seems to dictate all podcasts must be interviews and panel discussions. Trust me, I have plenty of voices in my head for the both of us. When you're listening to Breaking Change, It's just me and you out there.

How do I get my ideas into the show?

Have a question you want me to answer or a hot take and want me to react to? Shoot me an e-mail at podcast@searls.co and I'll try to fit it on the next show! I read each and every e-mail.

Breaking Change artwork

v29 - Super Switch

Breaking Change

In this episode: Justin goes to a birthday party, drives a Tesla, and configures your BIOS.

The compliments department is, as always, available at podcast@searls.co.

Have some URLs:

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Breaking Change artwork

v28 - Do you regret it yet?

Breaking Change

I don't normally do this, but content warning, this episode talks at length about death and funerals and, while I continue to approach everything with an inappropriate degree of levity, if that's something you're not game to listen to right now, go ahead and skip the first hour of this one.

Recommend me your favorite show or video game at podcast@searls.co and I will either play/watch it or lie and say I did. Thanks!

Now: links and transcript:

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v27 - The Punsort Algorithm

Breaking Change

HEADS UP: This one has a video version in case you'd prefer to watch that!

HEADS UP SEVEN UP: Here's a spoiler-free link to this year's puns as they existed prior to this recording.

Welcome to a very special Holiday Edition of Breaking Change: our first annual Breaking Change Punsort! Today, we're joined by a surprise guest! Want to know who it is? You'll just have to listen and find out. Yes, it's Aaron.

As always, you can e-mail the show at podcast@searls.co. If you enjoyed this episode and want to see a second annual edition next year, let me know! If you don't write in, I'll stop—because editing multiple speakers plus video is a massive pain in the ass.

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v26 - Luigi's Mansion

Breaking Change

I'd write more here, but I've got places to be. Becky, Jeremy, and I are going to engage in some holiday festivities. We have a couple gingerbread houses to make and a tree to trim. And no nog to speak of. Really, that's all you get by way of show notes this time as a result, deal with it.

Send your complaints to podcast@searls.co and they will be read on air.

Some bullet points below the fold:

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Breaking Change artwork

v25 - Ghost Engineering

Breaking Change

I left the country for a few weeks to get that taste out of my mouth but now I'm back and as salty as ever. Brace yourself.

I made a pretty strong appeal that you should e-mail the show at podcast@searls.co, so I won't repeat myself here. DO IT. DO IT NOW.

Hopefully I'll be back at least once more before we call it for 2024. Stay tuned. 📻

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v24 - Prophylactic Jet Lag

Breaking Change

TIL that 4 AM is way too goddamn early to record a podcast. Apologies if I'm more chipper than usual, that's probably the coffee talking.

Had some great e-mails this show. You should keep the streak alive and mouth off with your fingers at podcast@searls.co.

Savor this version, folks. Gonna be at least a few weeks until you'll have another one.

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v23 - M4 Supermax

Breaking Change

It is Wednesday, my dudes! This is normally a weekend listen, but there are new Macs to talk about. I wanted to give you the absolute freshest, least accurate information I can about all these neat new computers that I WILL NOT BE BUYING BECAUSE TIM COOK IS A COWARD.

Write something you want to say in all caps over at podcast@searls.co and maybe I'll scream it on the show!

Inside-voice links follow:

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Breaking Change artwork

v22 - Coming to VHS

Breaking Change

Welcome to this podcast which, by now, you have probably decided you either listen to or don't listen to! And if you don't listen to it, one wonders why you are reading this.

Remember to write in at podcast@searls.co with suggestions for news stories and whatever you'd like me to talk about. Please keep it PG-rated or NC-17 rated. I want nothing in between.

Family-friendly and/or sexually explicit links follow:

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v21 - Not From Backup

Breaking Change

Get ready for a three-hour-plus Breaking Change spectacular! Why is it special? I'm not going to tell you. You'll just have to listen.

Remember, money doesn't change hands when you consume this Content™, but that doesn't make it free! In exchange for downloading this MP3, the license requires you to write in to podcast@searls.co at least once every three episodes. Some of y'all are past due, and I know where to find you.

Want URLs? I got URLs:

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Breaking Change artwork

v20 - Mandatory Stealth

Breaking Change

There have now been 20 major versions since the initial release of Breaking Change, but this is one of the less bad ones. It was substantially improved by friend of the show, Eric Doggett, who helped out with mixing!

If you have strong feelings about anything you hear, you know where to stuff those feelings (other than "deep, deep down"): podcast@searls.co.

Spicier-than-usual show notes follow:

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Breaking Change artwork

v19 - Feature Complete

Breaking Change

It is me, I am back! And after working too hard and becoming too dull I'm finally done* with that big app I've been working on.

I'm running behind on e-mails and need your best and worst takes for the next episode: podcast@searls.co.

Find out what that asterisk refers to below:

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Breaking Change artwork

v18 - Arriving today by 10 PM

Breaking Change

Boy, have I got a great show for you today! I guess. You be the judge.

If you listen to the podcast, please rate it on a scale from Good Charlotte to My Chemical Romance at podcast@searls.co.

The following links are included with your subscription:

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Breaking Change artwork

v17 - Shallow Tissue Massage

Breaking Change

I hope you like stories about moaning during a couples massage, bugs with Apple's Home Key system, and when it's OK to duplicate code in software. Because that's most of what I got this time.

Not enough of you are writing in, and if you don't start soon I am going to CANCEL this PODCAST production PERMANENTLY: podcast@searls.co. (Write in or else.)

Some proof of work:

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Breaking Change artwork

v16 - No Politics Allowed

Breaking Change

Big day: now with transition music! 🎶

There's one topic that's been dominating headlines for the last two weeks, but if you want to hear about it you'll have to look elsewhere! That's because Breaking Change is a safe space. So listen up and let's find other things to get mad about.

Do you have opinions about politics? Do you want to share them with an Internet friend? Now's your chance: podcast@searls.co. (Other topics also welcome.)

I heard you like links:

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Breaking Change artwork

v15 - An E Ink iPod Touch

Breaking Change

I bought a new gadget! And it runs Android! And I don't hate it!

Tell me about things you hate and don't hate and I might just read your feelings on air, for others to have opinions about! The e-mail, as always, is podcast@searls.co.

Sources below:

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Breaking Change artwork

v14 - Actual Intelligence

Breaking Change

WWDC came and went and now we're all just left to ponder what life will be like under the thumb of our new AI overlords (and underlords). But at least for now, humans are still allowed to produce podcasts on their own, which means we can safely opine about the fresh hell we're all hard at work creating.

I finally got a chance to get to some mailbag questions in this episode! If you want to be a part of the ✨magic🪄, shoot me an e-mail to podcast@searls.co. I won't read your last name on air, unless I accidentally do. Promise!

Here are some links to stuff from this episode:

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v13 - WWDC Spoilers

Breaking Change

WWDC is right around the corner, and I wanted to do a predictions podcast before Monday's keynote, but then Mark Gurman went and just read back literally everything that's going to happen.

So I guess let's talk about that or something.

As always, I love love love to receive your e-mail even though it's hard to get through very many of them on the program. Please know that your comments and questions really bring me a lot of joy and that you should e-mail whatever pops into your head to podcast@searls.co. Quick. Now. Don't think, hit send.

Okay, and now for some 👐Show Notes👐:

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v12 - LIVE from Japan

Breaking Change

[Update: if you're reading this, then you're listening to an updated version of this episode with a more aggressive denoise filter, to try to combat the karaoke jingles playing incessantly in the background 🎤.]

Welcome to the rhetorical Bemusement Park that is the Breaking Change podcast! This episode was recorded in Japan, the recording of which was an ordeal that you will hear all about if you choose to press play and listen to this version of the podcast.

I have failed you all, however, because I had to duck out of my "recording" "booth" ahead of schedule and I didn't get to any items from the mailbag. That means now's your chance to skip the line ahead of all those other mailbaggers by rapid-firing off an e-mail to podcast@searls.co for inclusion in a theoretical, unannounced, unsure-if-it'll-even-happen version 13.

Heard people liked URLs so I hallucinated some for you:

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v11 - I'm feeling unlucky

Breaking Change

Today we have a veritable smorgasboard of potpurri as we indulge in the figurative potluck dinner that is, "shit Justin wants to talk about." This may be the last major version for a while, so savor this.

Thank you to listeners who took version 10's mandatory e-mail feedback demand seriously, as the mailbag once again is full of good questions. But you must do your part and e-mail podcast@searls.co to keep it that way. Each e-mail you send entitles you to a license to listen to three more episodes, so—in a sense—you can't afford not to write in.

Have some links:

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Breaking Change artwork

v10 - Inhumane A.I.

Breaking Change

It's been over two weeks! Let's catch up. We can talk about anything you want, so long as it's App Store policies regarding "retro" game emulators or where to find the best Japanese love hotels.

Also, I hate to spoil an announcement, but due to a lack of mailbag engagement, e-mailing podcast@searls.co after you listen to each episode of the program is now mandatory for all listeners. Figure it out.

Citations follow:

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