
Who has the patience for videos longer than a minute? Not America, apparently. So every now and then I'll put some short videos of big ideas together and hope a bunch of fractional eyeballs will add up to one real person's attention.

What is Refactoring?

Realized I managed to shit out a decent definition of the word "refactoring" in 30 seconds when I was editing this longer video on career advice, so may as well clip it for posterity. Both were pulled from v31 of Breaking Change.

The Wrong Programmers

I'm as big a fan of searching for environmental and systemic explanations when expectations are missed, but that doesn't mean that sometimes the blame lies with the skill of the people doing the job. Decided I'm going to stop pretending as if that's never the case.

The Baby Store

Why I didn't have kids, despite the fact a lot of men seem weirdly OK with pretending they have zero regrets.

This clip is from v30 of Breaking Change.