
I joined Twitter in 2007 and my brain slowly morphed over the next 15 years from hopelessly verbose to nihilistically pithy. I've kicked the Twitter habit, but the takes keep flowing. That's why I post them here and format them as a social network of one. You're welcome to bookmark any of these takes, though I'm not sure why you would.

By the way, the hearts and like counts are fake. They're just there to make you feel safe.

Sitting on hold with a doctor and every 30 seconds it says "Due to unusually long hold times, you can press 1 to leave a voicemail and we will return your call within 24 business hours."

24 business hours? So if it’s 1 PM Monday, that means they’ll get back to me on 10 AM Thursday?

The catastrophic failure of Peloton as a business is very funny in its own right, but the fact that they’ll either go bankrupt or be merged into oblivion without ever once owning peloton dot com is sort of hilarious.

In case you’re wondering how wide the new Ultra Wide (32:9 @ 5120x1440px) setting is for Mac Virtual Display on Vision Pro, it amounts to:

  • 730 characters per line of text at Terminal’s default font size
  • 42 cells of data at Numbers’ default sizing
  • 24 slides per row in Keynotes’ Light Table view

It’s wide.

This month's issue of Searls of Wisdom is out and includes the eulogy I recently gave for my father. If you sign up now, you'll receive it.

Already heard back from a young father who read it from a totally different perspective than I had anticipated. It's easy to assume that something that feels so personal can only apply to you, but never underestimate the impact of sharing your authentic self with others. justin.searls.co/newsletter/

After dad’s passing, I wanted to export all of our iMessages into a portable format. There’s a much easier than extracting from an iPhone via paid proprietary software:

  1. brew install imessage-exporter
  2. imessage-exporter -f html

That’s it. They’ll all be in your home directory in a folder called imessage_export. github.com/ReagentX/imessage-exporter

Would love to be proven wrong here, but it sure seems like Apple has finally made it impossible to take a disk image of a Mac (not even bootable, just a compressed DMG file), given two ARM Macs and a cable.

Well, this is a terrible workflow that Apple steers people through when replacing a damaged phone:

  1. Apple Support app tells you to disable Find My before sending an Express Replacement iPhone
  2. You receive phone and set it up with Direct Transfer from damaged phone
  3. You realize a week later that replacement phone has Find My (and Activation Lock) disabled because it copied the setting from the damaged phone.

Seems bad.

Playing with some local AI stuff this afternoon, and let me just comment on how unfortunate it is that the modern language with the worst packaging and dependency experience happens to be the one everyone uses for AI/ML.

TIL that in recent versions of macOS, most stock apps can’t be deleted by the user. Want to delete News? LaunchPad won’t let you. Command-Delete ain’t it. It’ll bounce right off the trash.

What gives? It’s because they’re not really in /Applications anymore. They’re installed in /System/Applications and that’s a read-only APFS partition. Neat.

Evidence I've changed as a person: someone just stopped me on the street to say, "I'm sorry I just wanted to say you have an incredible energy and I wanted to hand you my card. Your chi is beautiful." And she clearly meant what she was saying. And seemed to be of sound mind.

First time for everything.

Possibly TMI: just me, or do socks and shoes fit more comfortably after trimming your toenails?

I'm not talking massive lengths here—even just a few millimeters and walking around in socks feels way more comfortable. Can’t tell if this is just me having some hypersensitivity disorder.

Does anyone even work at Peloton anymore? On hold for what seems like forever listening to the same muzak loop endlessly.

Reactivating their shitty bike resulted in their backend creating two concurrent subscriptions on a single account. What a garbage product.

Train fare in Japan isn't cheap, but one way Japan gets people to choose it anyway is by directly exposing drivers to road infrastructure costs through steep highway fees.

In 8 days I drove 613 miles and racked up about $130 in highway tolls. Would have been more expensive to take trains, but just barely.

Japanese media has taken to calling Trump's election "またトラ" (mata tora), as shorthand for またトランプ (mata toranpu), meaning "Trump again".