
I joined Twitter in 2007 and my brain slowly morphed over the next 15 years from hopelessly verbose to nihilistically pithy. I've kicked the Twitter habit, but the takes keep flowing. That's why I post them here and format them as a social network of one. They're also cross-posted to my Mastodon account. You're welcome to bookmark any of these takes, though I'm not sure why you would.

By the way, the hearts and like counts are fake. They're just there to make you feel safe.

Worried that I've heard Craig Federighi say, "it's a great way to ___," more times than I've heard most relatives say, "I love you."

How much money and electricity would GitHub save if Actions were disabled by default for changes to conventional markdown files like README.md?

Bought a Mac Studio to have as my always-online home server, so that it would run critical batch processes, sync and backup my iCloud Photos, etc.

Came home after a month in Japan and find the Mac Studio has been beachballing for over two weeks. Bonus: it's now burned into the monitor, which never turned off. Neat.

My train just pulled into Sendai, and I just witnessed four different passengers each ask permission from the person behind them before reclining their seat.

And even once that permission was granted, none reclined it more than an inch or two.

Love this country.

ChatGPT is awesome for drafting blog posts and newsletters. First, I give it all my bullet points and ask it for a draft. Then, I hate what it wrote so much that I get off my ass and write the thing myself, like I should have done in the first place.

Kino, a new video camera app (from the makers of Halide, an established photo camera app) just launched, and they're offering it at an introductory one-time purchase price of $9.99. Bought it sight unseen, because the demise of Filmic Pro (whose team was summarily dismissed last year) left the App Store without a single notable "pro" video recording app apps.apple.com/us/app/kino-pro-video-camera/id6472380172

I want to be clear that the opinions I express here are mine and mine alone, except to the extent they are shared by others who are too scared or too smart to say them in public.

It feels to me like wifi SSID passwords shouldn't be masked-by-default with asterisks or whatever. Whoever the hell is going to shoulder surf you typing in your wifi password is probably somebody you'd want to give the password to.

The XZ Utils backdoor taught me to be cautious about handing over maintenance of
open source to others, but now what the hell am I to do with OSS I don't want?

States should pass safe haven laws that allow developers to swaddle their code
in a basket and leave it at a fire station without fear of repercussion.

Extremely impressed @tenderlove and I managed to spend a day at the beach—even swimming—with zero supplies or preparation and the next day I can't find a single grain of sand in my shoes or my bag. S Rank

I'm going to take a stab at recording a podcast from Japan now that RubyKaigi has finished. If you have any curiosities about what's coming up in Ruby 3.4 or questions about the conference, email them! podcast@searls.co

Just booked a flight from Okinawa to Fukuoka on Peach airlines. $53, all-in, including aisle an aisle seat.

Could get used to this. #円安

PSA: if you're using Rails+Hotwire, Turbo's so-fast-it-feels-like-magic ability to update sections of the DOM downgrades Capybara's all method from "likely to regret this" to "definite footgun" when used in system tests.

IME, Turbo Streams updates the DOM so fast that elements found with Capybara's all are extremely likely to be stale by the time you iterate and interact with them. After several days of fighting intermittent CI failures, I had to banish all in favor of find in all my tests.

Preparing for the first night of RubyKaigi in my traditional way: debugging a
flaky Capybara/Selenium test which has nothing to do with Ruby and everything to
do with JavaScript. 👍


I was genuinely confused when so many people were excited for the Rabbit R1 device, because they said that it worked by hostile screen-scraping of Android apps in the cloud to order Uber, Door Dash, etc.

Had anyone who preordered this thing ever tried automating even a basic web site with Selenium?