
I joined Twitter in 2007 and my brain slowly morphed over the next 15 years from hopelessly verbose to nihilistically pithy. I've kicked the Twitter habit, but the takes keep flowing. That's why I post them here and format them as a social network of one. They're also cross-posted to my Mastodon account. You're welcome to bookmark any of these takes, though I'm not sure why you would.

By the way, the hearts and like counts are fake. They're just there to make you feel safe.

Evidence I've changed as a person: someone just stopped me on the street to say, "I'm sorry I just wanted to say you have an incredible energy and I wanted to hand you my card. Your chi is beautiful." And she clearly meant what she was saying. And seemed to be of sound mind.

First time for everything.

Possibly TMI: just me, or do socks and shoes fit more comfortably after trimming your toenails?

I'm not talking massive lengths here—even just a few millimeters and walking around in socks feels way more comfortable. Can’t tell if this is just me having some hypersensitivity disorder.

Does anyone even work at Peloton anymore? On hold for what seems like forever listening to the same muzak loop endlessly.

Reactivating their shitty bike resulted in their backend creating two concurrent subscriptions on a single account. What a garbage product.

Train fare in Japan isn't cheap, but one way Japan gets people to choose it anyway is by directly exposing drivers to road infrastructure costs through steep highway fees.

In 8 days I drove 613 miles and racked up about $130 in highway tolls. Would have been more expensive to take trains, but just barely.

Japanese media has taken to calling Trump's election "またトラ" (mata tora), as shorthand for またトランプ (mata toranpu), meaning "Trump again".

My friend Nick has had a truly terrible year. First, he got kicked out of his brass band. Then they repossessed his instrument because he started missing loan payments. And now his wife is leaving him—says she doesn't want to be in a saxless marriage.

Really nice interview on IndieRails with my better half about her Build with Becky product. Was fun to compare and contrast her recap of year we spent building this thing with my own perspective.

Aside: Becky's got such a great speaking voice that it's a crime that I'm the one with a podcast. Maybe she'll remedy that someday. indierails.com/47

There’s a device in my office closet that makes a pairing beep every few days. No idea what causes it. Could be any of two hundred devices spread across thirty bins and cubbies.

I will die not knowing.

One of the skills I've improved most over the course of my career is Dreading.

I used to dread work that'd actually turn out to be easy or otherwise let a a crushing slog catch me off guard. But now my sense of dread is finely tuned! I was really dreading editing this video and boy was that the correct reaction.

This may surprise some people, because I've been staunchly opposed to the privatization of space exploration my whole life and have been rooting against SpaceX from day one, but I'm a big man… I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong.

I've been watching the news, studying the issue closely, and I've changed my position. NASA should award SpaceX as many billions of dollars as it takes to send Elon Musk to Mars as soon as possible.

Free idea: a browser extension that reaches through the screen and slaps you in the face when you accidentally add an item to your Amazon cart that’s shipped & sold by a third party reseller.

My first and only keynote at RubyConf was 10 years ago this week. The Social Coding Contract turned out to be a pretty accurate read on where things in open source were going for the next decade.

The one and only time I drew hundreds of slides with stick figures on a Wacom tablet. youtube.com/watch?v=HFRU6eQKp4Y

For macOS Sequoia 16, Apple should announce a ground-up rewrite of Time Machine that—under the hood—is literally just a GUI on top of rsync.

Three years of trying to get Time Machine to sync to a network share, and never got it to work once. rsync: got it in one.