Managing your Searls subscriptions
I'm old enough to remember when "regularly visiting a website" was everyone's preferred way to stay abreast of what was going on, but tastes change, we've all gotten lazier, and now we expect our information diet to be hand-delivered and spoonfed to us. It took a while, but I have surrendered myself to this reality and adopted a hodgepodge syndication strategy in a vain attempt to attract your eyeballs and earholes across a veritable cornucopia of media channels.
1. Newsletter
If you just want to check a box that says "I am keeping up with Justin," and don't want to invest the time to witness the unabridged play-by-play of my online existence, you should just sign up for my e-mail newsletter. It's called Searls of Wisdom, and each month I write a little essay about something or other. People seem to like it.
2. Podcast
If you've got several hours to kill on a consistent—but by no means guaranteed—biweekly basis, might I suggest my podcast, Breaking Change?
Breaking Change has everything you could ever want in a solo Searls podcast: hot takes, cool takes, gratuitous explicit language, and a free pun from Aaron Patterson in every episode. You can subscribe here:
I have a second podcast feed that's strictly a mirror of shows on which I play the role of "guest". I call it Merge Commits:
Additionally, I post long-form excerpts and short-form clips to my YouTube channel—subscriptions are encouraged, but not required.
3. RSS/Atom Feeds
If you're an old-school feed reader sicko, subscribing to the site's main Atom feed will get you FREE UNFETTERED ACCESS to everything I do online. Interested? Check out my RSS/Atom explainer to learn about the various feeds I publish and read instructions on how to even follow these "feed" things in 2025.
To be honest, this is actually the best way to follow my stuff (or, in most cases, anyone's stuff), but The People have spoken and they apparently want their existence to be mediated by social networks, so…
4. Social Networks
It's taken a silly amount of custom software, but most of the posts on this site are multicast to various social networks. I maintain this living document summarizing what is syndicated and where, but all you need to know is that you can follow some subset of my work on any of these platforms:
For tweet-like posts, with links to all my other stuff:
For images, videos, and carousels:
For long-form and short-form videos:
Stay tuned for more coming in 2025. If there's an integration you'd like me to add, let me know!