How to make a HomeKit scene dim lights without turning them on
Update: and 20 minutes after posting this, it stopped working. HomeKit giveth and HomeKit taketh away.
Out of the box, Apple’s Home app will turn on any lights you add to a scene, even if it’s only to decrease their brightness level. As a result, if your goal is to simply dim the house’s lighting at nighttime, then your scene may have the unintended effect of actually turning on a bunch of lights.
While not the best-looking app in the world, third party apps can separate a light's power state from its brightness level in a HomeKit scene, and Eve is a free one that lets you configure this.
- First, make your HomeKit scene how you want it in the Home app, because that UI is nicer
- In Eve, open the "Automation" view from the sidebar
- Find the scene in the "Scenes" tab
- For each room with a light you want to dim without turning on, tap the
chevron to the right of the room name and then uncheck each light's "Power" setting while leaving the "Brightness" setting as-is
And there you go. Dimmer lights without inadvertently turning on all your lights. 🎉