This Vision Pro strap is totally globular!
Who the fuck knows what a "globular cluster" is, but the Globular Cluster CMA1 is my new recommendation for Best Way to Wear Vision Pro. It replaces a lightly-modified BOBOVR M2 as the reining champ, primarily due to the fact it's a thing you can just buy on Amazon and slap on your face. It's slightly lighter, too. One downside: it places a wee bit more weight up front. I genuinely forget I'm wearing the BOBOVR M2 and I never quite forget I'm wearing this one.
Here's a picture. You can't tell, but I'm actually winking at you.

Also pictured, I've started wearing a cycling skull cap when I work with Vision Pro to prevent the spread of my ethnic greases onto the cushions themselves. By regularly washing the cap, I don't have to worry about having an acne breakout as a 40-year-old man. An ounce of prevention and all that.
You might be asking, "where's the Light Seal?" Well, it turns out if you're wearing this thing for more than a couple hours, having peripheral vision and feeling airflow over your skin is quite nice. Besides, all the cool kids are doing it. Going "open face" requires an alternative to Apple's official straps, of course, because Apple would prefer to give your cheek bones a workout as gravity leaves its mark on your upper-jowl region.
You might also be wondering, "does he realize he looks ridiculous?" All I can say is that being totally shameless and not caring what the fuck anyone thinks is always a great look.