
A New Direction for Testing in Swift

Yesterday in the Platform State of the Union, Apple celebrated 10 years of Swift and then in the very next slide announced they finally built a testing framework for it.

Digging in more, I found this forum post that a "vision document" (I'm not familiar with Swift people's vernacular for this stuff) for testing direction had been accepted.

Anyway, this is all interesting in its own right and something I'll be following generally, but I have to say that for such a broad and important topic, that forum thread had an absolutely incredible time-to-mocking-derail metric. The very first reply is about mocking and then seemingly half of the subsequent posts in the thread are people spouting off their personal opinions on mocking instead of any of the more important stuff.

I don't claim to be an expert in very much, but having built several mocking frameworks, spoken about mocking practices (including a stealth mocking keynote at RailsConf and a not-so-stealth mocking closing talk at JSConf), and even named the company I co-founded after a mocking term, I feel like I have some authority to say the following: boy howdy is it a bummer that most developers only understand mocking as a utility and lack any comprehension of how to deploy mocks in a well-defined, consistently-executed software development workflow.

I'm very happy to have nailed an approach that works really well for me, but I'll probably always view it as a major failure of my career that I was never able to market that approach effectively. Even now, I don't have a single authoritative URL to point you to for my "Discovery Testing" approach that would provide a clear explanation of what it is, why it's good, and how to use it. And for me personally, the moment has probably passed and I just need to live with that failure, I imagine.

One of the things I think about a lot with respect to testing practices (including test-driven development) and their failure to really "stick" or spread more broadly is that they transcend any one testing framework or programming language. As a result, consultants like me were so absorbed just porting slightly-different versions of the various tools we needed to every new language that there's no such thing as a single README or book that could explain to a normal developer how to be successful. I tried to write a book once that would serve as a tabula rasa across languages and I almost immediately became trapped in a web of complexity. Other programming idioms and methods that apply across languages are similarly fraught, but mocking's relative unimportance to the primary task of shipping working software probably doomed it from the start.

Anyway, it's cool that mocking will be possible in Swift Testing.

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