
feed2gram v1.1 - now with video!

Just pushed a major update with a minor version number to my feed2gram gem, which reads an Atom/RSS feed for specially-crafted entries and posts them to Instagram. The initial 1.0 release only supported photos and carousels of photos as traditional posts, but v1.1 supports posting reels, carousels containing videos, and posting images and videos as stories.

Was it a pain in the ass to figure out how to do all this given the shoddy state of Meta's documentation? Why yes, it was, thanks for asking!

It seems to work pretty reliably, but YMMV with aspect ratios on videos. I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to which videos the API will reject when included in a carousel alongside images at different aspect ratios (unless the rhyme is "the aspect ratio must be an exact match" and the reason is "the Instagram app trims the aspect ratio of these videos on the client before uploading them", which I guess makes sense now that I type that out).

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