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v8 - Anti-trustworthy

Breaking Change

This podcast is dedicated to the brave men and women at the Department of Justice for taking bold and decisive action against a clear and present danger to the continued existence of the United States of America: Apple's use of green bubbles and how they make some Android users feel bad.

Since the DOJ's lawsuit is all about vibes, send me your vibes—good or bad—and I'll be there for you. Who knows, if you choose to direct your energy to podcast@searls.co, maybe I'll get lucky and finally feel something in this cold, dead heart of mine.

Links and such follow:

Podcast RSS Item XML

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      <pubDate>Sat, 23 Mar 2024 19:26:32 +0000</pubDate>
      <title>v8 - Anti-trustworthy</title>
      <itunes:title>v8 - Anti-trustworthy</itunes:title>
      <itunes:author>Justin Searls</itunes:author>
      <podcast:person role="host" href="https://justin.searls.co/about/" img="https://justin.searls.co/img/face.jpg">Justin Searls</podcast:person>
      <enclosure url="https://podcast-cdn.searls.co/breaking-change/v8.mp3" length="160994874" type="audio/mpeg"/>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>This podcast is dedicated to the brave men and women at the Department of
Justice for taking bold and decisive action against a clear and present danger
to the continued existence of the United States of America: Apple's use of green
bubbles and how they make some Android users feel bad.</p>
<p>Since the DOJ's lawsuit is all about vibes, send me your vibes—good or bad—and
I'll be there for you. Who knows, if you choose to direct your energy to
<a href="mailto:podcast@searls.co">podcast@searls.co</a>, maybe I'll get lucky and
finally feel something in this cold, dead heart of mine.</p>
<p>Links and such follow:</p>
<li><a href="https://rubyonrails.org/world/2024">Rails World 2024</a></li>
<li><a href="https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/hollywood-studios/toy-story-mania/">Toy Story Mania</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/bertrand_russell_121392">Bertrand Russel dishin' out takes</a></li>
<li>A look at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC5KtatMcUw">Unreal Engine 5's new features like Nanite and Lumen</a></li>
<li>Ubisoft's creepy <a href="https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/19/24105748/nvidia-neo-npc-prototypes-gdc-2024">AI chatbot NPCs</a></li>
<li>The <a href="https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.njd.544402/gov.uscourts.njd.544402.1.0_3.pdf">DOJ's 88-page complaint</a> against Apple</li>
<li>Jason Snell's <a href="https://sixcolors.com/post/2024/03/u-s-versus-apple-a-first-reaction/">first take</a> on it</li>
<li><a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8369840/">Another Life</a>, finally answering the
question, &quot;what if Battlestar Galactica was a CW show but only the Katee
Sackhoff parts&quot;?</li>
<li>The <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2934286/">Halo-flavored Halo show</a> and the mediocre <a href="https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/halo-infinite">Halo Infinite game</a></li>
<li><a href="https://mintrocketgames.com/en/DaveTheDiver">Dave the Diver</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odell_Lake_(video_game)">Odell Lake</a> for the Apple II</li>
<li><a href="https://www.cookservedelicious.com/">Cook Serve Delicious</a></li>

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