Breaking Change artwork

v27 - The Punsort Algorithm

Breaking Change

HEADS UP: This one has a video version in case you'd prefer to watch that!

HEADS UP SEVEN UP: Here's a spoiler-free link to this year's puns as they existed prior to this recording.

Welcome to a very special Holiday Edition of Breaking Change: our first annual Breaking Change Punsort! Today, we're joined by a surprise guest! Want to know who it is? You'll just have to listen and find out. Yes, it's Aaron.

As always, you can e-mail the show at podcast@searls.co. If you enjoyed this episode and want to see a second annual edition next year, let me know! If you don't write in, I'll stop—because editing multiple speakers plus video is a massive pain in the ass.

No links today, because we didn't actually talk about anything worth citing.

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