Breaking Change artwork

v21 - Not From Backup

Breaking Change

Get ready for a three-hour-plus Breaking Change spectacular! Why is it special? I'm not going to tell you. You'll just have to listen.

Remember, money doesn't change hands when you consume this Content™, but that doesn't make it free! In exchange for downloading this MP3, the license requires you to write in to podcast@searls.co at least once every three episodes. Some of y'all are past due, and I know where to find you.

Want URLs? I got URLs:


Podcast RSS Item XML

      <guid isPermaLink="false">HaJ2ByGDZ1uJZ4wcPKOlR0Ks</guid>
      <pubDate>Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:07:12 +0000</pubDate>
      <title>v21 - Not From Backup</title>
      <itunes:title>v21 - Not From Backup</itunes:title>
      <itunes:author>Justin Searls</itunes:author>
      <podcast:person role="host" href="https://justin.searls.co/about/" img="https://justin.searls.co/img/face.jpg">Justin Searls</podcast:person>
      <enclosure url="https://podcast-cdn.searls.co/breaking-change/v21.1.mp3" length="195030546" type="audio/mpeg"/>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>Get ready for a three-hour-plus Breaking Change spectacular! Why is it special?
I'm not going to tell you. You'll just have to listen.</p>
<p>Remember, money doesn't change hands when you consume this Content™, but that doesn't
make it free! In exchange for downloading this MP3, the license requires you to
write in to <a href="mailto:podcast@searls.co">podcast@searls.co</a> at least once every
three episodes. Some of y'all are past due, and I know where to find you.</p>
<p>Want URLs? I got URLs:</p>
<li>This <a href="https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupressus_sempervirens">useless skinny tree</a> fell over</li>
<li>Becky's first app is live at <a href="https://www.betterwithbecky.com">betterwithbecky.com</a></li>
<li>I <a href="https://justin.searls.co/shots/2024-10-05-19h21m17s/">bought a camera</a></li>
<li>I gave my final conference talk. Video is pending, but <a href="https://justin.searls.co/posts/the-empowered-programmer-citations/">I'll link to it here</a> when it's up</li>
<li>Aaron's <a href="https://justin.searls.co/puns/">puns, ranked</a></li>
<li>Apple: 1, Europe: <a href="https://x.com/ThierryBreton/status/1835565206639972734#m">0</a></li>
<li>Google <a href="https://ia.net/topics/our-android-app-is-frozen-in-carbonite">should figure out</a> security architecture</li>
<li>A <a href="https://situational-awareness.ai/">nice longread about where AI is</a> and where it (may) be going over the next decade</li>
<li>I'm <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/IBM/comments/1fqt826/why_are_any_of_us_still_here_ibm_is_dying_and_we/">bearish</a> on IBM's prospects</li>
<li><a href="https://talk.tidbits.com/t/current-thinking-about-1password-7-vs-1password-8/26003">1Password 8</a> doesn't feel like an upgrade</li>
<li>The iPhone 16 Pro is all about <a href="https://www.theverge.com/24247538/apple-iphone-16-pro-review">camera styles and tone map customization</a></li>
<li>Can't <a href="https://www.macrumors.com/2024/10/06/apple-to-launch-new-m4-macs-nov-1/">wait</a> for that 12&quot; MacBook Pro</li>
<li>The new <a href="https://appleinsider.com/inside/ios-18/tips/how-to-use-reduce-interruptions-on-ios-18-and-what-it-does">Reduce Interruptions focus mode</a></li>
<li>Folks are mad about <a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380050/Star_Trucker/">Star Wars Outlaws</a></li>
<li><a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380050/Star_Trucker/">Star Trucker</a>, a game I mistakenly called &quot;Space Trucker&quot;</li>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furiosa:_A_Mad_Max_Saga">Furiosa</a> is good</li>
<li><a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt31091039/">The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives</a> isn't</li>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Penguin_(TV_series)">Penguin is remarkable</a> 2 episodes in</li>

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