
I joined Twitter in 2007 and my brain slowly morphed over the next 15 years from hopelessly verbose to nihilistically pithy. I've kicked the Twitter habit, but the takes keep flowing. That's why I post them here and format them as a social network of one. They're also cross-posted to my Mastodon account. You're welcome to bookmark any of these takes, though I'm not sure why you would.

By the way, the hearts and like counts are fake. They're just there to make you feel safe.

I was genuinely confused when so many people were excited for the Rabbit R1 device, because they said that it worked by hostile screen-scraping of Android apps in the cloud to order Uber, Door Dash, etc.

Had anyone who preordered this thing ever tried automating even a basic web site with Selenium?

I get that Apple needed to switch to the cheaper TSMC process and that's the real reason they're launching the M4 now, but as someone who just paid $5000 for an M2 Vision Pro and an M3 MacBook Air, it feels pretty shitty that a thousand dollar iPad is so much faster.

Currently reading my 6th book in Japanese and I finally made the leap to using a full Japanese dictionary (as opposed to a Japanese-English one).

Finding that my mind is staying in flow longer, retaining more, and a lot of nuanced/overloaded terms (like さらに) are much more clearly described in a full dictionary than JMDICT. 💫

Build the thing right: LLMs are mediocre-but-useful tools

Build the right thing: LLMs are spectacularly bad, because they are so over-indexed on positive affirmation that they'll never tell you your idea is stupid, much less suggest a better one.

Was talking to someone who thought he was an expert in prestige television, but dude didn't even understand why Battlestar Galactica and The Young Pope are in the same cinematic universe.

How should I have known I wasn't supposed to put down my masseuse's phone number as "current therapist" on the patient intake form?

Saw a family out to dinner the other day and the kid ordered milk. The waiter responded, "regular or chocolate"?

The mom got very mad at the waiter's mention of chocolate milk. It's a little shocking how far the Ovaltine window has shifted in recent years.

I've written more tests than just about anybody. Spent years comparing dynamic and static type systems. My life's work is to maximize correctness and minimize maintenance.

All it's taught me: the single most important thing programmers can do to improve their code is to minimize branching (e.g. if statements). Code that executes the same set of instructions every time behaves the same way every time.

TFW you can't work up the motivation to program all day and then when you finally get into the zone, you run out of time and have to go be somewhere.

Before buying Apple Vision Pro, my biggest worry about the ergonomics was that I would ABSOLUTELY HATE touching my forefinger and thumb together to "click" things.

200 hours later: I was right! Still not used to it. Just supremely off-putting and uncomfortable compared to clicking a mouse, tapping a screen. Gross.

Am I right to use Rails 7's normalizes feature as a way to set an app-layer default value for a model attribute?

class Basket < ApplicationRecord
  normalizes :fruits_array, with: ->(fruits) { fruits || [] }