
Tabelogged: ショーグンバーガー 新宿店

I visited this restaurant on October 14, 2019, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: ショーグンバーガー 新宿店
Description: 新宿西口、西武新宿、新宿三丁目/ハンバーガー、カフェ、ビアバー

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Shogun Burger Shinjuku Store
Description: Shinjuku West Exit, Seibu Shinjuku, Shinjuku 3-chome/hamburger, cafe, beer bar

Cramming a gaming GPU into your MacBook Pro

…without actually doing that

How we got here

After Apple released its (soon-to-be) previous generation Mac Pro, it probably didn't take long for them to realize they had a trash can fire on their hands, especially with regards to GPU performance. When Apple announced eGPU support for macOS in 2017's High Sierra release, it was hard not to see the announcement as anything more than an admission that Apple's top-of-the-line desktops and notebooks shipped with subpar GPUs due to their severe thermal constraints. Of course, because Apple has never considered AAA gaming to be an important function of its products, the Mac has always lagged behind Windows in GPU availability and support. But by 2017 (and until the new Mac Pro tower releases this fall), the situation has been especially grim: even for workstation tasks like video encoding and 3D modeling, the internal GPUs Apple has been selling are so bad that they're driving a nontrivial number of creative professionals—a market Apple actually does care about—off its platform.

The world may be excited to close the door on the ill-conceived trash can Mac Pro, but if it hadn't been for its glaring design flaws, Apple and Intel probably wouldn't have prioritized the engineering needed to make running an eGPU over Thunderbolt 3 a commercial reality.

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Tabelogged: カマル

I visited this restaurant on April 21, 2019, and gave it a 4.5 on Tabelog.

Name: カマル
Description: 烏丸御池、烏丸、四条(京都市営)/カレー

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Kamal
Description: Karasuma Oike, Karasuma, Shijo (Kyoto City)/Curry

Tabelogged: 京都焼鳥製作所

I visited this restaurant on April 21, 2019, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: 京都焼鳥製作所
Description: 京都河原町、祇園四条、烏丸/焼き鳥、鳥料理、居酒屋

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Kyoto Yakitori Seisakusho
Description: Kyoto Kawaramachi, Gion Shijo, Karasuma/Yakitori, chicken dishes, izakaya

Tabelogged: 博多らーめん ShinShin 天神本店

I visited this restaurant on April 19, 2019, and gave it a 4.5 on Tabelog.

Name: 博多らーめん ShinShin 天神本店
Description: 天神、西鉄福岡(天神)、天神南/ラーメン、居酒屋、餃子

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Hakata Ramen Shinshin Tenjin Main Store
Description: Tenjin, Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin), Tenjin Minami/Ramen, Izakaya, Gyoza

Tabelogged: かつ良

I visited this restaurant on April 10, 2019, and gave it a 3.0 on Tabelog.

Name: かつ良
Description: 下北沢、池ノ上、世田谷代田/とんかつ

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Katsurai
Description: Shimokitazawa, Ikenoue, Setagaya Daita/Tonkatsu

Tabelogged: 麺酒処 ぶらり

I visited this restaurant on April 10, 2019, and gave it a 3.5 on Tabelog.

Name: 麺酒処 ぶらり
Description: 日暮里、西日暮里、三河島/ラーメン、つけ麺

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Noodle Bar Burari
Description: Nippori, Nishinippori, Mikawashima/Ramen, Tsukemen

Tabelogged: クラフトマン SENDAI

I visited this restaurant on April 10, 2019, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: クラフトマン SENDAI
Description: あおば通、広瀬通、仙台/イタリアン、ピザ、ビアバー

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Craftsman Sendai
Description: Aoba-dori, Hirose-dori, Sendai/Italian, Pizza, Beer bar

Tabelogged: Rojiura Curry SAMURAI. 下北沢店

I visited this restaurant on April 10, 2019, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: Rojiura Curry SAMURAI. 下北沢店
Description: 下北沢、東北沢、新代田/スープカレー、カレー、カフェ

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Rojiura Curry Samurai. Shimokitazawa Branch
Description: Shimokitazawa, Higashikitazawa, Shindaita/Soup curry, curry, cafe

You make less money than you used to. Blame your iPhone.

For years, economists have been puzzling over why, despite unprecedented technological innovation since the dawn of the Internet, productivity is flat. Really, nobody seems to know why! Look no further than this week's news to find a consensus opinion that the just-around-the-corner cure for lagging productivity numbers is—wait for it—more technological innovation.

Productivity is a curiously-named economic measure that essentially boils down to "amount of money you generate for your employer over time." And because the promise of most technology is to enable people to do work faster, we should expect technology's useful impact to be measurable, even with an (oversimplified) equation like Labor + Technology = Productivity.

But something has clearly gone wrong. If we work backwards, we already know productivity is flat. And we are equally certain that technology has improved over the last twenty years. That leaves just one variable for which a negative value could explain the productivity gap: maybe we're literally doing less useful work every day. Reflecting on my own experience, I'd go a step further and ask, what if recent technological advances are actually decreasing our productivity?

And then what happened?…

10 Rules

Here it is, the post that enumerates all of the ways in which remote work has turned me into a total weirdo.

For almost a decade now I've been working from home, enjoying the unusual freedoms—and anxieties—that it brings. If a single theme has emerged, it's this: by default, I'm an undisciplined mess. When given the choice between short-term distractions and long-term goals, I'll take the passing hit of instant gratification every time. (This paragraph took me ten minutes to write because I was text messaging back-and-forth with @hone02.)

Only one thing can overcome my lack of self control: replace all my good intentions with hard and fast rules, then stick to them so rigidly that my constant fear of failure will inadvertently be put to productive use.

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