
Tabelogged: umi食堂

I visited this restaurant on May 29, 2020, and gave it a 4.5 on Tabelog.

Name: umi食堂
Description: 香芝、五位堂、近鉄下田/カフェ、オーガニック

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Umi Restaurant
Description: Kashiba, Goido, Kintetsu Shimoda/Cafe, Organic

Tabelogged: 酒菜 和味

I visited this restaurant on May 29, 2020, and gave it a 3.5 on Tabelog.

Name: 酒菜 和味
Description: 香芝/居酒屋、日本料理、創作料理

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Sake Vegetables Japanese Flavor
Description: Kashiba/Izakaya, Japanese cuisine, creative cuisine

Tabelogged: さくらバーガー

I visited this restaurant on March 7, 2020, and gave it a 3.4 on Tabelog.

Name: さくらバーガー
Description: 近鉄奈良、奈良/ハンバーガー、サンドイッチ、カフェ

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Sakura Burger
Description: Kintetsu Nara, Nara/hamburgers, sandwiches, cafes

Tabelogged: ベルガマイス

I visited this restaurant on February 21, 2020, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: ベルガマイス
Description: 肥後橋、渡辺橋、淀屋橋/メキシコ料理、ブラジル料理、居酒屋

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Bergamais
Description: Higobashi, Watanabebashi, Yodoyabashi/Mexican food, Brazilian food, Izakaya

Tabelogged: 本とさや

I visited this restaurant on February 21, 2020, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: 本とさや
Description: 浅草(つくばEXP)、田原町、浅草(東武・都営・メトロ)/焼肉、ホルモン、すっぽん

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Book And Pod
Description: Asakusa (Tsukuba EXP), Tawaramachi, Asakusa (Tobu/Toei/Metro)/Yakiniku, Hormone, Soft-shelled turtle

Tabelogged: たこやき座

I visited this restaurant on December 27, 2019, and gave it a 3.2 on Tabelog.

Name: たこやき座
Description: 難波(南海)、近鉄日本橋、日本橋/たこ焼き、お好み焼き、焼きそば

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Takoyakiza
Description: Namba (Nankai), Kintetsu Nihonbashi, Nihonbashi/Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, Yakisoba

Tabelogged: 裏難波 路地裏酒場 とんぼ

I visited this restaurant on December 15, 2019, and gave it a 3.1 on Tabelog.

Name: 裏難波 路地裏酒場 とんぼ
Description: 難波(南海)、近鉄日本橋、日本橋/居酒屋、焼き鳥、鳥料理

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: Ura Namba Alley Bar Tonbo
Description: Namba (Nankai), Kintetsu Nihonbashi, Nihonbashi/Izakaya, Yakitori, Chicken dishes

Tabelogged: 3diner

I visited this restaurant on December 15, 2019, and gave it a 4.0 on Tabelog.

Name: 3diner
Description: 大和八木、畝傍、八木西口/ステーキ、アメリカ料理、洋食

Which Google translates into English as:

Name: 3diner
Description: Yamato Yagi, Unebi, Yagi West Exit/Steak, American food, Western food